What is the SOM International On-line Baseball Convention All About?
For the year of 2013, Wolfman Shapiro had two visions. One was...
For the year of 2013, Wolfman Shapiro had two visions. One was to start a new on-line S-O-M Baseball Newsletter, which happened in January of this year (2013) and the other...
Well – its like cramming for a finals, we wanted to make sure this newsletter was out before the end of April and thank the Strat Gods, we did it –...
Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter is a monthly/bi-monthly on-line FREE baseball newsletter which started in January of this year.
STAR Tournament Association is a non-profit corporation which serves Strat-O-Matic Baseball enthusiasts. STAR is devoted to the promotion of Strat-O-Matic Baseball tournaments, and in particular to the conduct of a yearly...
Pure Strat is the western division of the Star Tournament Association. Pure Strat organizes face-to-face tournaments in the western part of the U.S. (one every few months) and also organizes on-line...
Hello again, we are back!! We apologize for our absence but May was a very hectic month on a personal level but we did not forget all of you as we...
Well we missed the month of May, a lot of this has to do with some personal issues for your editor but that will not take away from the dynamic information...