About This Site

First we wish to thank you for your interest in the upcoming convention for October 25th through the 27th. We believe with all of our hearts this is going to be a fun and amazing experiences for everyone who participates, thank you again from the Strat Alliance!!

The purpose of this page is to give you an overview of what information is contained on the SOM On-line Baseball Convention website. We will break it down by the various options you have via the Menus shown on the page as well as the items contained in the Right Column of each page. Therefore is you have any questions about this website or there is certain information you wish to find, you will know where to look.


Home Menu
This menu will bring back to the Main Page of our website, the first page you saw when you entered our domain name (www.stratalliance.com) in your browser – with our slide show, intro to the partners who made this convention possible, some of the latest new articles and more …

About Menu
This menu provides basic information about various aspects dealing with the Convention on various levels, below is a brief summary of each sub-menu listed under this section of the website:

Som Convention: – What is this on-line SOM Baseball convention all about, where did it come from?

Strat-o-matic Game: We are using either elements of the Strat-o-matic Baseball table game or computer game to run the tournaments. This page discusses who is the game company and how to contact them via their website.

Tournament Fees: the small fee we are charging to register for both days of the convention and participate in two tournaments and how the fees we will collect will be used to support the convention and offer to the winners and runner-ups special prizes and trophies.

About this Site: The page you are reading now to describe how to navigate this convention website.

Tournament(s) Menu
This menu provides information about each of the main tournament we will offer over the Convention Weekend. If you click on the Tournament(s) Menu itself, you will receive a high level description about the convention tournament (top option) with a link to the tournament page which discusses exactly how the tournament will be run , what you need to participate and assorted documents including a rules booklet, to help you prepare for this tournament. Below are the sub-menus you will find with a description of each option within this menu:

Option I – Convention Tournament: This is the tournament we are offering for the Convention weekend. It requires the computer game (with the netplay program built in which allows two opponents to play each other) with the 2012 Major League Baseball roster and a fast internet connection. On this page is a brief discussion how the tournament would be played with the tournament rule book and various recommendations how to prepare for the tournament.

Option II – Pure Strat on-line Tournament, Draft 2012 with Skype: This is the on-line tournament overseen by our partner Pure Strat, which they offer using Skype (to communicate by voice with your opponent), using an on-line dice roller (2 die, 3 dice and a 20 sided) that you both see; the 2012 card set to draft your team, all the super advance baseball charts and pitcher hitting cards.  If you wish to continue to participate in on-line tournaments, normally the Skype Draft tournament is offered each month. This page discusses how they run their tournament and how to contact Pure Strat if you wish to participate. The winner of this tournament is based on making the playoffs via your record by games played and using a 7 game series to find the champion.

Option III – Star on-line Tournament, Draft 2012 with Netplay This tournament is overseen by the Internet Division of Star Tournaments and is the exact same tournament the convention will be offering accept for a few minor changes. This tournament uses the SOM Baseball Computer Game with the Netplay option, to play your opponent through the game using an internet connection. In addition to owning version 17 of the computer game (the latest version), you must have rights to the 2012 baseball roster set. Full details of how this tournament is run with key documents will be found upon this page as well as how to sign up for future such tournaments by Star. The winner of this tournament is based on making the playoffs via your record by games played and using a 7 game series to find the champion.

Convention Supporters Menu

In this section of our website, we have comments from various people in the Strat-o-matic Baseball Community, who is knowledgeable about the work o the key partners supporting the convention or wish to share their personal support for this unique and special weekend of tournament play.

Partners Menu
This menu acknowledges all the key partners who supported the creation of the Convention including the three main organizations who initially agreed to create this on-line convention as well as other co-sponsors who support the convention and are helping us to get out the word to the SOM Baseball Community. For each partner listed on this page is how to contact them via their internet website.

Articles Menu
This menu is for special articles written or created by the key partners or individuals who support the convention and has insights to share or special stories related to the current SOM Baseball Convention, SOM Baseball strategies or former tournaments and conventions held in the past. You should periodically check this section as new articles will be added and also there is an archive section to read articles from prior months (see in the right column of the main article page). Also we will be including articles from the “Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter” in this section linked to the Convention.

Resources Menu
This menu will list special resources that can benefit our visitors and perspective tournament participants linked to the Strat-o-matic Baseball Game or to Major League Baseball, basically it will be a list of special websites that you have to check out.

Contact Menu
This last menu is how to contact the organizers of the SOM On-line Baseball Convention if you have any questions at all about our tournament, or registration or if you are unsure how to prepare for the tournament . We are also open to any suggestions or comments you may have about how to improve and make our tournaments a bit more interesting.



Article: About the Convention (top right)
— this is an article written by Wolfman Shapiro, editor of the “Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter” and one of the main proponents to bring back the Conventions via this series of on-line tournaments. Here in this article the “Wolfman” as he is known in the SOM Baseball Community explains his motivations for co-creating this convention with the other partners and co-sponsors.

The Symbols: (second from top):
— the F symbol is linked to the Wolfman’s Facebook page, where announcements will be made on the convention
— the t symbol is linked to the Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter twitter account sharing announcements there
— the dot with two semi circles symbol represents RSS feeds we have to baseball news you can check out

Our Free Newsletter (Convention Updates and News)
— We use Aweber to support our free newsletter to update all interested parties of the convention with the latest news and updates. It is the fastest way to know the schedule of key events linked to the convention and when we have added new information to this website. All that is required to signup for the Convention newsletter is your full name and best email to contact you.

Tournament Fees:
— When you are ready to officially register for the Convention Weekend, the fee (if you use this button from Paypal) is $10 to participant in both days of the convention and a $1 processing fee we get charged to use Paypal for a total of $11. All you have to do is click on the “Buy Now” button and you will be taken to our Paypal payment screen to process your registration. To make a payment you can use your paypal account linked to a credit card or your bank account or if you are not a member, you can still pay here with your credit card. If you prefer to send us a check to register, please send us an email at somconvention@ultimatestratbaseball.com with a subject of “Registration by Check” and we will send you the details of where to send your check.

Strat-o-matic Baseball Game:
— to honor the game which makes this convention possible by showing the current version of the game cover and a link to the Strat-o-matic Game website where you can view all the various products and services they offer.