What is the SOM International On-line Baseball Convention All About?
For the year of 2013, Wolfman Shapiro had two visions. One was...
Here is a brief explanation of the tournament we are offering for you to participate during the convention weekend and the on-line tournaments which our co-sponsors PURE STRAT and STAR Tournaments (using skype and som’s netplay respectively) offer during the year. PURE STRAT and STAR are assisting us with the tournament rules and procedures for the tournament we are offering through the convention since they have many years of experience.
Note: all the tournaments shared below utilize the most recent card set based on 2012 issued this year by the Strat-o-matic Game Company. Eligibility for the playoffs of the tournament we are offering during the convention will either be through some form of elimination or we will have the participants with the top record by rounds qualify. We anticipate a total of 10 or 12 games played during each day of the convention with the playoffs for the championship either played late Sunday, October 27th or the playoffs continuing into the next week. Regardless if we use elimination in the tournament, you will still be able to continue to play during the day against different opponents. Below is a high-level summary of the convention tournament we will be offering along with the two periodic on-line tournaments offered by our co-sponsors, PURE STRAT and STAR.
1. Tournament for the Convention based upon using Netplay with an All Star Team with the 2012 Roster
In this tournament you will be utilizing the SOM Baseball computer game and the component called Netplay which allows you to play against your opponent over the internet. The 2012 MLB SOM Roster will be used and everyone will use the same team during the tournament but you pick which 25 players you wish to use during each round (from a choice of 35 or 40 of the top 2012 All Stars). Each competitor will use the same home ballpark (the ballpark ratings) and there will be a 3 game series or round. If all works out, we will create multiple 8 team divisions and over the two days you will play 21 games. The participants with the best record will qualify for the playoffs which will be the best or 5 or 7 again depending on how many participants we have. The computer game will take care of following all the rules for you as you play your games and will keep track of the statistics of each game played.
(To read the complete details of how this tournament works, what you must have to compete the rule book to download, feel free to visit this tournament’s detailed page by clicking here or on the section title above.)
2. Draft Tournament using Skype as held by Pure Strat each month
In this tournament you will create your team doing a draft by Skype (each person is allowed one minute for their pick) by drafting players from the 2012 card set. The Tournament will also use Skype with an on-line dice roller system to play against your opponent so basically the overall format of this tournament is the same as the tournament for the convention accept you are drafting a team to play with. Again, you must own the 2012 SOM Baseball card set as well.
(To read the complete details of how this tournament works, what you must have to compete and special documents to download, feel free to visit this tournament’s detailed page by clicking here or on the section title above.)
3. Draft Tournament using SOM’s Netplay Software held periodically by Star Tournaments
For those who own the SOM Baseball computer game, you know there is a software called NETPLAY which allows you to the play the game via the internet against your opponent. Again, Star Tournaments holds periodically a monthly tournaments which is played via the computer game and Netplay. This tournament uses a wondrous on-line tool called Stratdraft, in order to draft your team. To compete in this tournament you will use the SOM Baseball Computer Game and must have the 2012 roster set.
(To read the complete details of how this tournament works, what you must have to compete and special documents to download, feel free to visit this tournament’s detailed page by clicking here or on the section title above.)
The first tournament listed above will be offered on Saturday and Sunday,October 26th and 27th. If you wish to participate in this special On-line Baseball Convention and are as excited as we are, it is very important that you officially register before the tournament (there will be a cut-off date) so we have time to make the division files and your schedule.