
The best way to contact us, if you have any questions about the convention related to the tournaments and specific rules, the registration fee or if you have suggestions how to improve some aspect of the convention, you may use:

skype: (Wolfman Shapiro, co-coordinator) joshaushapiro17

Also if you would like to become a co-sponsor of the convention, please feel free to get in touch with us. The definition of a co-sponsor is that you support the Convention and will help us to let those gamers you are in touch with, about this convention and website. In exchange for this help we will list you as contributor on this website (sharing your email and own website) and also if you offer some service for the Strat-o-matic Community or linked with Major League Baseball will list you on our Resources page.

Other ways to stay in touch with us is via our presence on Facebook and Twitter:
(Facebook presence for the convention and the free SOM Baseball newsletter)

@StratBaseball4U (periodic twitter announcements and chat)

(Note: To have a more direct contact with the major partners of the Convention, click here to visit the Partner Page)