What is the SOM International On-line Baseball Convention All About?
For the year of 2013, Wolfman Shapiro had two visions. One was...
For the year of 2013, Wolfman Shapiro had two visions.
One was to start a new on-line S-O-M Baseball Newsletter, which happened in January of this year (2013) and the other was to bring back the old National S-O-M Conventions (which he and friends ran from 1974-1980 in Illinois) in some form. The result of his second vision is what you are reading now!! Thanks to his partner Marc Wasserman at the Ultra Strat Baseball Newsletter, with their co-partners, Bryan Albin at Pure Strat (a division of the Star Tournaments) along with Star council members Pete Nelson and Gene Abood, we are honored to bring to you this exciting announcement about a grand weekend of on-line tournaments in September of this year.
The objective of this site is to give you an overview of the the tournament we will be holding during this special weekend (October 2013). We give great thanks of gratitude for the assistance of STAR and PURE STRAT who have helped us to prepare to offer this tournament which you will be able to play in the comfort of your home during this fourth weekend of October. At this early junction you can either sign up for our free Convention Newsletter or pay the low fee of just $10 to reserve your spot in a tournament on each day of the Convention.
Collectively we have decided to call ourselves the “STRAT ALLIANCE”, but actually this organization has existed before through Mr. Wasserman’s effort as a network of baseball leagues.