Issue 3 of the Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter – Ready to Go!

Updated: July 11, 2013

Well – its like cramming for a finals, we wanted to make sure this newsletter was out
before the end of April and thank the Strat Gods, we did it – but in celebration of April
being my birthday I decided to go on overload and give more stuff then normal.

So as to not spoil some of the surprises inside of Issue #3, I think our very best to date
and really beginning to show possibilities of what this new fangled newsletter is all
about. We have some special interviews I didn’t think we would get this soon and as
the main discusses we hit two key activities I wanted to have be a part of the newsletter
in April.

It is really feeling like the newsletter is taking on a life of its own and we are going to
reach for the stars. So we are very delighted to offer you all kind of goodies linked to
Issue #3.

So please read this announcement message all the way through before you head over
to Issue #3, which as we have done so far, contains several webpages for each section.

1. To read Issue #3, start at the main page by going to:

(as usual each page has links to all the rest of the pages in the newsletter)

2. Also I have been promising our members, and working behind the scenes to put
together my first e-book/report discussing my success at building successful (playoff
bound teams in a league or a competitive team for a tournament with a draft) – that
e-book is ready to come out next week, called “Secrets of the Wolfman”, check it out
and get your copy (a special offer for the first 25 people) at:

3. If you are new and this is your first newsletter (you don’t have to read them in order
except for the Commissioner’s Corner by my partner Marc Wasserman) and you wish to
view the prior newsletters and bulletins, we have an on-line archive. To check it out

4. And finally, as we have stated at the beginning, one of our goals besides providing
the best insights how to play the Baseball Game and to speak to the most
knowledgeable Gamers was also to supply tools to help your game and special items
linked to professional baseball. So in our resource section you will discover a few more
gems – but also we have opened up a collectibles and sporting gear store on Amazon.
Take a peek at some of the amazing items on Amazon, you won’t find anywhere else – a
way to help keep our newsletter free, to visit click:

Ultimate Strat Baseball Collectibles and Sporting Goods Store

Ok everyone we are excited to release this newsletter along with the new activities that
are happening. As always, we see this as all of our newsletter and if others have ideas
of new columns or articles, or special activities that we can offer – feel free to contact

April was a good month but what we have in store for you in May and beyond could be
even more exciting

a great day, and as always success with your gaming, leagues,
replays and tournaments, Ultimate Strat is here to stay

thanks everyone, dig into the newsletter and enjoy

editor of the “Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter

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