Ultimate Strat Baseball, Bulletin 9, Alive and with Great News!!

Updated: July 5, 2013

Hello again, we are back!! We apologize for our absence but May was a very
hectic month on a personal level but we did not forget all of you as we were
negotiating a special event that I believe all our members will find very exciting
for this September. So this bulletin is to provide the latest news and let you know
there will be a Newsletter #4 coming out before the end of June too!!

First we wish to give a big Ultimate Strat Hello to those of you who have joined
us recently – hope you were able to find on-line the first three issues of our newsletter.
Ok here is our news and updates, hang on!!

1) We have our own website now, and all the newsletters have been moved over —
the website is at: http://www.ultimatestratbaseball.com – so we have new contact
emails (see below) to get in touch with us. You can now find our first three newsletters

Issue #1 – Part I (January 2013):

Issue #1 – Part II (Janaury 2013):

Issue #2 – (February-March 2013):

Issue #3 – (April 2013)

(Note – the links to the newsletters on our old website will continue for several
months as we can’t change these links offered in previous messages sent)

2) First International SOM Baseball Online Convention, Sept. 20-22, 2013

We have finally setup a website and page to announce this on-line event which is
available to everyone to participate. In the April issue we introduced the Star
Baseball Tournaments to you and interviewed Pete Nelson, one of the members of
their board. In the June issue, you will meet Bryan Albin, head of the Western
Division of Star called Pure Strat, also initiator of the Skype on-line tournaments
and his counterpart Gene Abood, head of the Netplay on-line tournaments. Star
and Pure Strat are joining us to co-create what we call an on-line Convention, in
a small way to bring back the old live conventions you have been reading about.

There will be three different tournaments you will be able to participate in and we
will be offering a free update newsletter and a full website. For now we have the first
page where you can signup for the newsletter or register. The three groups have
decided to go under the name of the Strat Alliance and you can read more
about this Convention at:


3) To Celebrate the New On-Line Convention, Get my Secrets E-book

I have decided to share my new e-book, Secrets of the Wolfman, discussing my
various strategies to build teams in draft league or tournament play to all
of our members and I just ask for any donation. This e-book holds nothing back
about all of my strategies over the years to create playoff bound teams in my
leagues – even this year in the CBA I was going to let it be a building year but
at mid-season we have turned it around and expect to be back in the playoffs.
To read more about my e-book, “Secrets of the Wolfman” and get your copy
by donation visit:


4) What to Expect in the Next Newsletter for June?

Once again we will have never interviews, another ex-major league player and
another Strat player who makes a living with baseball stats. We will cover the
1975 National Convention, another article about being a Commish, a few
surprise guests and information about the upcoming On-Line Baseball Convention.
Just as you have come to expect with our newsletters, this one will be jam packed with
a lot of good stuff to enhance your game playing and meet special individuals
linked to SOM Baseball or Major League Baseball.

Everyone have a great weekend – and feel free to contact us
if you have any questions about the newsletter or the on-line convention.

Again we are always open to new articles or columns, if you have some thoughts ..

All the best your league, tournament and replay gaming,

Wolfman Shapiro
editor of the “Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter”

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