Vol. IV,
Issue #6 - August 2016
Field of Dreams - the Movie &
Baseball Field
Part II of the Report by Wolfman Shapiro
Interview with Denise Stillman (owner)
(In 2012, the Lansing Family put their farm with the
Baseball Field up for sale and
Denise organized a group of investors to buy the property under
the name of
the investment group called Go the Distance Baseball, LCC - we
speak to
the CEO of this group, Denise Stillman to see why she excepted
this job.)

Field of
Dreams Movie Site Logo shown on their website
(Notes from the Wolfman:
As I indicated in
Part I of this report last month (July 2015) I became interested
in the "Field of Dreams" Baseball Field when I heard the
Commissioner and Hall of Fame Pitcher began the Hall of Fame
Tour, stopping in various places to represent MLB including
Dyersville, Iowa, at this field for their 1st stop. Upon doing a
search on the internet I found a website called "The Field of
Dreams Movie Site" and a person named Margie Kolle, the
secretary for the CEO of the investment group, answered my
emails about a) to interview the head of Go the Distance
Baseball b) that when we visited the field to talk with Betty
Lansing. After some emails with Denise, who was very open
to do the interview and was very friendly, we agreed to do it
via skype, some I could record it on the computer to transcribe
later and set this time for Monday, July 18th, when I was
visiting my father in Bloomington, Illinois. The interview
was about a half an hour, which we survived one 10 minute
disconnect through skype.
One thing that Denise
discussed, was to clarify her standing as the founder of Go the
Distance Baseball. Initially, she was working with her,
now ex-husband to start this project but since the sale of the
Lansing Farm and when I was speaking to her, her and her
ex-husband decided to take a different direction with their
lives. Here is what Ms. Stillman shared about this
situation during the interview:
Ms. Stillman:
Oh, there is one thing I wanted to
make sure is clear, that was discussed on the internet linked to
this project and the purchase of the farm that is important to
me and to my children’s father, is that although we did began
the project as a married couple – it was always my crazy idea as
he called it from the very beginning. In this process of the
last three and half years, I have ended that relationship with
him but we are still parents to wonderful teens together. When
your story comes out if you would please just refer to it (this
project is run by) Denise Stillman and Go the Distance Baseball,
LCC -- because he does not have any involvement and it is not
that he doesn’t like the project, he just wants it to be clear
that everyone knows that’s my baby and he has his own law career
back in Chicago.
-- Anyway, I found Ms. Stillman to be a very friendly and
straight forward person, who is 100% dedicated to continuing the
vision of the Lansings, and will keep the Baseball Field open to
anyone who wishes to see and visit, as long as they don't have
other events going on. She has embraced taking care of the
Baseball Field very seriously and is constantly thinking of new
activities that can take place on the field as you will read in
this interview.
So dear members, sit back, kick your shows off and hear about
Ms. Stillman's thoughts and experienced linked to the "Field of
Dreams Movie site in this interview.)
Interview with Denise Stillman
President & CEO of Go the Distance Baseball, LCC
July 18th, 2016 via Skype with Wolfman Shapiro

Denise Stillman posing with White Sox Hall of Famer, Frank
Denise, when I do my interviews
for our newsletter, I like to ask first, the person I am
interviewing to discuss their background, related to the subjects
we will be discussing today. So according to what I read on
your website, it shared that you have seen the movie, “Field of
Dreams” several times. So my first question would be why were
you so inspired to become the new owner of the Lansing Farm
which has the Baseball Field from this movie when they decided
to sell it a few years ago?
Ms. Stillman:
Well my inspiration for doing what I am
doing, it comes from my love of teaching kids. It comes from
nothing more than wanting to create a legacy not only for my own
children but for children nationwide and for the future of our
national past-time.
So you saw by purchasing the Field of
Dreams Baseball Field this might help you with this goal you
just stated as well as Your Personal Dream to create more
baseball fields for the youth which is the special project you
are currently working on that you call Allstar Ballpark
Ms. Stillman has created a new project which she calls
Allstar Ballpark Heaven where in addition to having the
current Baseball Field available to be utilized for future
baseball games, she hopes to purchase other local land nearby
and build additional baseball fields that could used by youth
and possibly by a minor league team linked to MLB.)
Ms. Stillman:
Well the reason that we are building
Allstar Ballpark Heaven Wolfman is, our group, first and
foremost wanted to preserve the original movie site, so we had
to find a way to economically make it work. The Lansings who
owned the farm beforehand, they inherited the farm and they
didn’t have a mortgage to pay on it. So they were very happy to
have a small souvenir shop and running the farm.
However, this is not the way I believe a baseball
shrine should be run, so we created a partner company that was truly
for profit that can support what honestly is a not-for-profit
business which is the Fields of Dreams Movie Site.
So you have both a non-profit and
profit business, so both businesses can work together
Ms. Stillman:
We have set it up completely as a for
profit business because that’s the best way to move for the
investors, to let them know that they can make some money on the
backend. So Allstar Ballpark Heaven is a tournament company
that will use part of the 193 acres that is here, that is on the
north end of property and to leave the Fields of Dreams Field
undistributed and looking just like it is today.
And when I did the interview with
Betty a few days ago, she told me that it was very important for
her and her brother (Don Lansing), when they decided to sell the
farm to you, that the Baseball Field would be kept as it is. (Ms.
Stillman: Yes).
have read on the internet, that some of the local people were
resistant to your idea to be building more ball parks on the
property you have which are linked to your Allstar Ballpark
Heaven project. Can you give an update on what is happening with
this situation at this time, and if there are still people who
are protesting to stop your project here in Dryersville?
Ms. Stillman:
We truly don’t focus very much on the
lawsuits that the neighbors had brought against the city (of
Dryersville) because they do not impact us. They have been the
neighbor’s fight with the city about the way that the city
re-zoned this property. The reason that the city of Dryersville
did what they did is they truly see the value of what we are
bringing to the community, it had to do with (which will
affect?) about 85% of the people in Dryersville. So naturally,
they would like to preserve the right for us to be able to use
(the land?) commercially verses agriculturally. So it does not
hinder us from building, all it does is create a negative veil
over what we are doing. And it has come up in interviews just
like this one but we do minimize it because it doesn’t impact us
at all from doing what we are doing. We can build at any time we
have our funding ready for phase I.
there been strides toward getting Allstar Ballpark Heaven
started? Do you have any idea when you will begin to build the
new ballparks you plan to do so? What is the status on this
Ms. Stillman:
Absolutely Wolfman, Absolutely. Yes we
have taken the initiative to go ahead and ensure that we are
building a market and building the Allstar Ballpark Heaven brand
in the baseball market. So we have hosted tournaments already
for three years now. (Wolfman:
OK). So baseball coaches from all the
country have been coming to bring their teams here and its proof
of concept to show our future investors that, “Yes, people will
come to Dyersville!” And its not just build it and they will
come, that you have to establish the branding and make the
coaches know about it and then they will come.
I also saw on your website for the
Field of Dreams Movie Site that you have two different type of
events that take place on the Baseball Field. One deals with
what you call the “Ghost Players” which happened in the earlier
part of this month. And then a second event that will involve
several well known ex-Major League Baseball Players. Could you
share more about what is happening linked to these two exciting
activities please?
Ms. Stillman:
Absolutely. One of the goals of our
group is to bring more people to the movie site in ways that
have not been shared with the public before and obviously to
increase visitor-ship. When we bought the farm, our group did it
in December 2012, the Lansings reported about 65,000 people a
year coming. We have about 100,000 people coming now a year, and
that is based on quicker counts at the bridge (coming
so we can know how many people are coming. And we have done this
through special events, like the “Ghost Players Sundays”. We do
this event, at least five or six times a summer. And it is
truly guys that were in the movie, two of the gentlemen were in
the movie. One still gets royalties every time the movie is
played. They come out of the corn, just like the “Ghost
Players” did in the movie, dressed in 1919 White Sox uniforms.
And they put together a family friendly show that is about an
hour, an hour and half long. This show shares a message about
the importance of communication and staying in touch with your
kids and connecting with them. With one of the ways to do this
is through baseball.
Then we do have the other event that comes every year now that
we are doing called the Team of Dreams event which is very
magical. It’s really one of those Who’s Who Moments where you
get to see hall of famers like Johnnie Bench, Ozzie Smith, Frank
Thomas and Wade Boggs go ahead and play together as a team at
the Field of the Dreams and they get to play against each other.
This event happens once a year, usually in September.
Now I also read on your website that
Hall of Fame Baseball Player Wade Boggs, was one of your
investors in your group. Was he a key person to help with the
funds to buy the farm and baseball field when you bought it in
2012? And what was his reason for helping in this endeavor?
Ms. Stillman:
Well Wade’s involvement was very
important to us for a few reasons. One, is Wade is a baseball
coach right now in Tampa, Florida, so he is in touch what other
Baseball Coaches want. In addition, he has a strong desire to
teach young children, that’s why he is doing what he is doing in
Florida, the mindset of what it takes to be an MLB player and
the discipline. When you get a chance to speak with Wade, its
amazing the discipline he still has in his physical routine, to
keep his physical fitness still going as he does play in a lot
of charity events. So, he wants to go ahead and teach that kind
of discipline to the kids and to future MLB baseball players. So
his goal is to create more baseball players out of Ballpark
Heaven, whether they are in the major leagues or not, he wants
to pass on what he has learned.
He is pretty private person however, you don’t see many
interviews with him. He did quite a bit around the retirement of
his number, his number 26 with the Red Sox.
Wolfman: Now
this is one of my strange questions I wanted to ask you, now it
is a bit more meaningful since I had the chance to visit the
Baseball Field two times last week. So now I have a better
sensing about what kind of things and activities happen on the
baseball field. As you know the movie dealt with these “Ghost
Baseball Players” coming out of the cornfield, and since I am
very active in the study of these subjects and I actually also
do public presentations and write books on the paranormal, I was
curious if you, as the owner of the Baseball Field have
personally seen any type of magical activities happening on the
field. Or, perhaps have you seen, or heard, or had any kind of
experience yourself with a type of contact with so-called
invisible people who are present on the baseball field? What can
you share with our readers about this type of experiences of
this type of activity since you have become the owner of the
Ms. Stillman:
I have not witnessed or heard stories
of any paranormal activity at the Field of the Dreams. I can
tell you though, that many many many visitors have expressed to
me that they feel there is a spiritual vortex here. And to me,
what that means is they feel a connection to their family
members who have gone before them or they feel a connection
somehow to God, to the universe, however you express that. So
that has been my experience.
Certainly the fog that comes over the field on some cooler
summer nights, like it did a couple of evenings ago, lends some
credibility to: why does that happen(?), why does it always go
to center field(?) and left field(?), (Wolfman: ahh…) and why does it only happen
on certain nights? It is the same fog that was in the movie, a
natural expression of Mother Nature’s specialness to this
place. So, it is a unique geographic place and I do believe
that there is a spiritual connection here for many people.
this was a strong feeling I had when I was walking all over the
baseball field and I would be curious to hear your feedback to
this thought or idea. When you have a specific place or
location that generates, let’s say, a feeling of great happiness
and joy which I think is certainly connected to the baseball
field. So for myself, during my visit on the second day, I
wanted to go onto the mound and throw the ball as a pitcher even
though I am 61 years old and I haven’t thrown the baseball for
probably 30 years, so I wanted to try it here. So then before we
arrived on the field, I asked to the source that people speak to
or talk to in their prayers, if there could be a young person on
the field at the time I arrived, who would catch the ball I
would (try) to throw and sure enough, there was a young man
waiting for me.
I think there is a kind of magic that gets created by these good
feelings people have when they visit the field and the special
connections they make when they come to the “Field of Dreams
Movie Site”. And when people decide to visit the field, they
are expecting something good is going to happen to them. Are
these the kind of experiences that you see or hear about? Like
for example, when I talked with Betty in her interview, she told
me about a time when two brothers, who hadn’t spoken to each
other for 30 years, both decided to visit the “Field of Dreams
Baseball Field” on the same day and were surprised to meet each
other here. So are these the kinds of activities which are
happening around the Field of Dreams Movie Site?
Ms. Stillman:
They do, they do. And Betty certainly
has far more experience and knows more stories than I do about
the Field. I can tell you something unique that happened
yesterday. We have an experience for “Ghost Sunday” called the
“VIP Experience”. They get to sit on the front porch (of the
white house on the farm), they get a private tour of the house,
they get a signed “Ghost Player” baseball and they get a
connoisseur to serve them food and beverages during the game.
And one of the gentlemen in the “VIP Experience” on his tour of
the house, found a photo of himself in the house. (Wolfman: Oh
wow!). That is very unique. It was a photo in news clipping that
Betty had on her wall. So, while we were on the tour, and some
of the other people on the tour looked at him and said, “Wait a
minute, that’s you!”. What are the odds that things like this
will happen? So the Field is a place that certainly reunites
people, reconnects people as I mentioned somehow even to those
that have gone before them-- although these occurrences happens
many fold, even more than Betty and I and the rest of the staff
know of.
also read on the internet that Kevin Kostner, who was of course
the star of the movie, and I really feel this film made his
career, had publicly stated that he was very pleased that the
Baseball Field would continue in its original form. I don’t
know if he made this comment linked to what the Lansings had
done to preserve the Baseball Field or it was linked to when
your group was purchasing of the farm in 2012 and promise to
keep the Baseball Field in the same condition. Do you know what
Mr. Kostner said exactly on this issue linked to his experience
with the Baseball Field during the filming of the movie?
Ms. Stillman:
Kevin has been a great friend to the
field. He has come back several times since the movie was
complete. We were honored to have him with us in 2014 (for the
25th anniversary). Yes, he knows the contribution
that this movie has made to him. He is thrilled that it is
staying (as it has existed before). When I first met him, of
course I don’t think he believed me that I actually was buying
the farm but he said (to me), “Oh, I am so glad that you are
preserving it, it is one of my favorite places on earth.” So he
has a special fondness for the site as well. And the blessing
for him, two years ago, was that he was able to share it with
his young family, he has three young children with his latest
wife. He was able to bring here and play catch with them on the
you have been the owner of the farm and the Baseball Field now
since the end of 2012, going into your fourth season – has this
been a wonderful experience for you so far that you would do it
over again or has them been challenging in some ways? I
understand that you are now focusing on a business perspective
to run the farm and field too, but there is of course a lot of
attention that will come the group who is in charge of the
activities linked to the field. What has been your experiences
so far?
Ms. Stillman:
Yes there has been many challenges as
with any journey in life – there are ups and downs. The hallmark
of a great leader is someone who gets up quickly from the downs
and then keeps moving and keeps focused on the long-term goal.
And that’s truly what our team has done is really pulled
together to make a lot of things happen. I can’t thank the team
around me enough because without (their support) we could not do
what we do. Betty works here tireless hours. Over the summer,
you know her favorite phrase is “We got to make hay while the
sun shines!” That woman absolutely does this, she will be here
till the work gets done. And I call her the “bionic woman”
because she has many decades on me and I believe many kinds of
energy and positivity – so I blessed to have her on the team.
And there are others like that too, who just will come in at 6
AM to make sure that Ball Field is dragged and to make sure it’s
clean and everything is beautiful and a great experience.
told my staff yesterday before we began “Ghost Sunday”, because
a lot of them are younger college students, I said, “You have to
remember that some people will only come here once and we want
them to leave with the best experience they expected to come
here to have.” The stories that we get in our guest book
Wolfman are just crazy. Sometimes we see stories about, “It’s my
Dad’s dying wish and we wanted him to be here and see this (the
Field) before he passed on.” And then we get an email a week
later, “Thanks for being part of my dad’s last week of life
because he got a chance to live out his dream!” It just an
honor and a privilege to be part of that and I wanted to make
sure my team understands and they know that we are a bucket list
attraction for many people in the world. The man from Scotland
who was here yesterday to see “Ghost Sunday”, this was on his
list of places to go before he died. So we are just honored and
blessed to have that ability to have this impact upon people.
Wolfman: Let’s
see what other question do I have here on my list …
Ms. Stillman:
Oh you asked (Wolfman:
I sent to Denise a list of questions by
email and she was looking at this list here …) a question about
how baseball has touched my life or if I am rooting for the
(Chicago) Cubs or White Sox. (Wolfman:
Yes, that would be a good question to answer …). I can answer that and
say – I root for all baseball owners and baseball fans. Because
I think, as I am sitting here, I am honestly sitting in the room
that was used as the bedroom for Kevin Kostner and Amy Madigan,
and I am watching about 30 people playing on the ball diamond.
And what I root for are the people that get involved with each
other, put their phones down and have a chance to just have an
energy exchange of catch.
have, probably I am guessing, three complete strangers involved
in the game right now at one pitcher, a catcher and a gentleman
who appears to be in his late 60’s or early 70’s batting – in
fact he looks like Santa Claus – he has a white beard down to
his chest and I would guess he would fit well into a Santa suit
and he is at bat. There is a little girl at third base in pink
with a glove, there is an athletic looking mom at short, there
is probably late teenager man standing at first base and they
are just having a baseball game and a game of catch. It doesn’t
matter what uniform they wear, what color they wear, I think
Baseball has a huge place in our society. And it can teach
children so many awesome and life skills about character, and
leadership and sportsmanship and honor – and honestly things
like math – you can learn a lot math through baseball. I think
if we do this, through what we are doing here, we’ve created
something very special that will have a lasting impact on
America. So in conclusion, I am not rooting for either Chicago
team then.
Wolfman: Ok,
I found my other question now. Again, I read on the internet
that you were looking to actually have some professional team
that might play its games on the Baseball Field. Is there
anything new on this possibility or was this just wishful
thinking or is this going to come up in the near future?
Ms. Stillman:
were approached by one of the minor league divisions to
entertain the idea of including a minor league team on our
site. My first response when I was asked in 2012 was “No”. I
don’t know much about that market. What I do know is that I have
lived in the Travel-Based Home Market for 7 years and been a
baseball mom for 9 years and my background in marketing and
strategic planning helped me to figure out that this was a
viable business based upon the current climate and based on the
competitors in the industry. But, I know nothing about minor
league ball and I know it’s very difficult to operate.
when the minor league group came to us a couple of years ago, I
thought well if they wanted to run it and they could find owners
and they thought it would work – we would be more than happy to
host the games here because it would give the kids and the
adults who come every week for our tournaments to have something
fun to do while they were in Dryersville. And it would bring
more baseball to Iowa which is a place that loves baseball.
Northeast Iowa has a rich deep history of professional league
ball. That specific minor league group is no longer looking at
the opportunity primarily because there was a conflict with a
couple of people that were involved in that group, they have
just focused on other entities at the moment. We are still open
to the idea – we are still building a facility large enough
(that could accommodate such a team) but we will include that in
the plans when another person who is interested comes forward –
we certainly won’t pursue this on our own.
Wolfman: Denise,
is there anything else you want to share with our members which
you think is important for them to know about the “Field of
Dreams Movie Site”, one of your special activities or your
company, Go the Distance Baseball, LCC – that we have not
discussed so far through the questions I have asked in this
interview so far?
Ms. Stillman:
would like your members to also know, because your members are
very focused on the game (of baseball), to let them know we also
do rent out the field out after hours. We close at 6 PM every
day, April through November. We do have baseball teams
especially men senior baseball leagues and others who rent the
field. We do host vintage baseball games, that was a highlight
last year – learning how vintage baseball works and watching the
girls catch the balls in their skirts, it was very fun. So if
your members are interested
that they can actually play a game on the field after hours
under the lights by renting it from us.
Wolfman: Denise,
thank you so much for spending this time with us to share some
great stories and your experiences with the “Field of Dreams
Movie Site”. Thanks for taking time in your busy schedule to
give our members a very good idea of what happens around the
Baseball Field. Continued success with all your plans and
Allstar Baseball Heaven.
you would like more information about the “Field of Dreams Movie
Site”, you can visit the website sponsored by Go the Distance
Baseball, LCC at:
learn more about the special project, “Allstar Ballpark Heaven”
questions you can send an email to:
Margie Kolle at