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Vol. VI, Issue #2 - April 2018

** SOM Baseball Cards with Tom Nahigian
      (thanks to our friend Tom Nahigian and his complete collection of SOM Baseball Cards we
go back into the past to share some of the first cards issued by the game company!!)

(Notes from the Wolfman:  In January of 2013, our first issue, we introduced a quiz of our members related to specific questions linked to any of the SOM Baseball cards ever printed. Specifically we were asking about unique aspects of the cards related to the performance of the players.  However, because only a few people, like our good friend Tom Nahigian (who is highlighted in this article), have the full collection of the cards ('The Collector' as Glenn Guzzo called him in his book on Strat), the responses to our quizzes dwindled to nothin' eventually.  So to celebrate Tom's birthday in June of 2013 and then again in the August issue, we shared the image of a few of the cards that SOM printed for 1960 (just an All Star set) and then for 1961 as well (an all star set and the top two teams in each league). 

Now, I wanted to come back in this second issue of 2018 and take another peek at some of these amazing early version of the Strat Baseball cards -- as we revisit how the baseball game has evolved so much in the 50+ years of its existence. Some key features of the existing version of the game (just considering the basic side of the cards today) had not been developed yet as we look at some more cards from 1961, the second year Mr. Richman had released cards for the baseball game.

Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter - Tom Nahigian, Collector of all Strat Baseball Cards I first met Tom in person when I visited my father in Chicago in 2005. At this time I was living in Holland and usually once a year I would come home to be back in the U.S.  Now in April of 2013, we did an interview with Tom, you might remember if you have been our member since then. However if not, to learn more about this personal good buddy and fellow SOM fanatic, and how he was able to create his collection, check out this interview using the link shown below.

If you would like to speak with Tom, he recently setup a new email, you can read him at:












What did the Baseball Cards Look Like in the First Years?
(shared by Tom Nahigian, starting in 2013, as we slowly share these cards )

1961 Based Cards

American League All Star Pitchers and Hitters

National League All Star Pitchers and Hitters

(Note in the 1961 set there are no fielding ratings or X chart existed
plus the results shown in lower case for outs and getting
on base [hits/walks/errors] is capitalized)

Note from the Wolfman: We again want to thank Tom for his help to allow our members for this rare view into the history of the development of how the baseball cards have evolved over time. Of course there are modernized versions (card sets) of these early seasons that the game company now offers along with the computer rosters.  Again, as we mentioned back in 2015, the mysterious GROUNDBALL E (showing up on a result of 3 or 11 on the cards or a dice roll chance of 2 out of 108) found on both the hitter's cards and pitcher's cards and a FLYBALL E (showing up on 2 or 12 on the cards or a dice roll chance of 1 out of 108) on the hitter's cards only are automatic errors (since there were no X-ratings yet for the card).  The GROUNDBALL E was a one base error (but the error wasn't credited to any fielder) and a FLYBALL E was a two base error (again not accredited to any outfielder). Just very interesting to see the format of the early cards aye?



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Contained inside this exciting issue of the Ultimate Strat
Baseball Newsletter:

(to view the various interviews, articles, columns and special sections click on the links {underlined} and this will take you to the appropriate webpage)



  ARTICLE with J. G. PRESTON, Baseball Author, Stat Analytics Researcher, we return with Mr. J. G. Preston, one of the most indepth and comprehensive Baseball Researchers sharing unusual and never told before stories.  This month, J. G. talks about pitchers throughout the history of baseball who did not bat 9th and which managers have placed their pitchers hitting 8th the most - one of his many interesting baseball articles on his blog website.

  INTERVIEW with BRUCE BUNDY, In this Month issue of our newsletter, for Mr. Bundy's column, "Strat Thoughts", the Wolfman talks to Bruce about his experiences and life linked with Strat-o-matic Baseball, as we learn how Bruce became so well known within our community.  Take a peek at this enjoyment chat with Bruce Bundy (added April 9th to this issue of the newsletter).

  ARTICLE with DAVE LUBERA, Dave and Richard Lubera were yearly attendees for the Illinois SOM National Conventions from 1975-1980 - in this article Dave shares with our members some of his experiences, stories and memories of these early times and the tournaments with photos and copies of some of the documents linked to the planning of the conventions that have been lost over time.

  SOM Baseball and MLB World News - April 2018, This is our periodic column where we share any exciting news and updates linked to either the SOM World or MLB. In this issue, we discuss the free 1890 MLB teams, various minor league team and players, a few cuban teams and a ton of professional Negro teams, created by Alan Davidson which you can receive from him for free and, the series of the century, coming up later this month, between the All Time Great Cub vs. the Yankee Players and the key role this series will play in a new short story to be written by the Wolfman and why.

  STRAT WISE with MARC WASSERMAN commissioner of the Cyber Baseball Association (CBA) continues his new column by sharing more in depth about two key new features in the 2018 SOM Computer Baseball Game, the use of the cloud which makes running a league and passing the league files much easier and a new rule that could alter and change your game play called "Extreme Matchup".

  Special Report/Story with WOLFMAN SHAPIRO, The book that this story will eventually be a part of is tentatively called, "How They Play Baseball in Heaven", but this story is linked to the results of a so-called fantasy 3 game series held at Wrigley Field between the Greatest NY Yanks who ever lived, vs. the same with the Chicago Cubs -- this is a multi-page report with a full explanation of the book it will turn into, why this series and a full reporting on the 3 games played. Be prepared for one wild ride from the crazed mind of a Wolfman as he shares this story piece meal here in the April issue as well as his way to celebrate his 63rd birthday (April 17th).

  RECOMMEND ON-LINE SOM RESOURCES -- On-line Strat-o-matic and Baseball related websites that offer amazing information, special tools and products to improve your game play that we strongly recommend. In most cases, we have had personal contact with these sources who agree with the idea and key principle about working together to help promote each other.

  BOOKS TO DIE FOR and Become a BASEBALL GURU -- This page is specifically about special books we are finding that either will expand your insights about the game of Baseball, help you in the creation of your current league teams or with your replays and learn more about the Strat-o-matic Baseball Game and Game Company's history.  We have a special arrangement with Acta Sports, who is a publisher of a number of great baseball books (including Bill James Handbooks) to offer for our members a 10% discount. We will continue to add more books to this page in the future as we uncover other gems our members should know about.



Contact Us for Questions or Submissions:

Wolfman Shapiro
Founder/Editor, the Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter


twitter: @StratBaseball4U                              

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and next issues come out)