Vol. V,
Issue #2 - March 2017
Interview with Harris Jessop
(This month we speak to commissioner Harris Jessop of the
Winter Need a Life League, a Netplay Strat League .... )
(Notes from the Wolfman:
Harris has been one
of the first people to become a member of our newsletter and we
have chatted at various times via skype, facebook and email over
the past few years. Harris helped us once, in our 1st year to
put out a PDF file format of our newsletter. Well now its
Harris turn to talk about his Netplay based Strat Baseball
League called "Winter Need a Life League", which I must say is
quite an unusual name for any league. Also I want to
publicly acknowledge Harris, as my new assistant who will be
helping me with future interviews of various strat baseball
league commissioners,
champions and officials.
I think this is the 1st time we are interviewing a
representative of a Netplay only league. Ok, Harris, time
to dance here ....
I would like to
welcome to our newsletter Harris Jessop, the commissioner of the
Winter Need a Life League which is a Draft League that uses
Netplay. Harris is also a long standing member of our
Harris, thanks for spending time with us here at the Ultimate
Strat Baseball Newsletter.
Not a problem, glad to be on board with you
Harris, I
normally ask some personal questions first to give our members a
chance to meet you and know a little bit about your background
before we talk about Strat and your baseball league. So
where did you grow up during your early years?

I grew up in Baltimore, and as a kid I never played baseball at
all. I started coaching youth softball while in the 6th grade
however. At that age I couldn't officially be listed as a coach
because of age requirements but as soon as I turned 18 I was
listed as the manager of the U10 team and have been coaching
softball ever since. I am currently coaching a Varsity Softball
team in the Baltimore area now. I have been at the current
school now for 7 years.
Which MLB
team did you root for when you were younger and are you still a
fan of that team? Are there any ball players you really followed
or who were your favorites?
I was always an
Orioles fan, and really like the guys like Brooks and Boog. But
when I went to the games I spent most of the time watching Earl
Harris what
are you doing for a living now?
I am now
working fulltime in the school system working with challenged
students in the 2nd grade. Then after my day is over at that
school I head over to the High School where I coach softball and
run Study Hall 3 days a week until our practice season begins.
Now Harris,
how did you hear about SOM Baseball? When did you first begin to
play the game?
I was given Strat
as a Christmas gift one year, I cant remember which year because
as a kid those things ended up getting lost or thrown away. If I
had to guess the first season of Strat I had, it would have been
probably been late 1970's
What is your
history participating in leagues (face-to-face or computer
based)? Have you ever played in any tournaments?
I have never played
in any tournaments with the exception of 1 football tournament
that someone was running online and I didn't do too well.
Related to Baseball, I am currently in 10 leagues and of those.
four of them are net play leagues. I find it's much easier to
find time to play in leagues that are played using a CM. But net
play leagues are more enjoyable to be part of.
How did The
Winter Need a League come into existence? Where did the name
from for your league and what does it mean?
Winter Need A Life League was originally a spin off from a
regular season league which was call Need A Life. The name
basically say's it all "Need a Life" the guys we had in both
leagues at the time seemed like all we would do all the time was
play Strat, talk Strat and play more Strat.
Not that anything is wrong with that but that
was all we would do. Need A Life was a 24 team league that after
4 season's folded because of the lack of time that a few of the
members couldn't give for the league. So with the remaining
members we decided to continue the league anyway.
So can you
explain to our members more about what type of strat baseball
league this is? How do you play your games? How many teams are
in your league?
The Winter Need A
Life League us a 16 team league and it's a short season league.
We currently play 2 series ( 6 Games ) per season against each
of the other 15 teams, thus this is a 90 game schedule. The 2017
season will see the schedule expand to 120 games as each series
will become a 4 game series. We are a 100% netplay league and
both series against each opponent are scheduled each block. So
you will play 3 teams during each month of the schedule.
What is the
name of the team you manage?
I manage
the Bowie Baysox and beginning this season I will be using
Washington as my Home Park.
Can you
describe the inner structure of your league and how the playoffs
We are a one
division setup for our standings and the top 8 teams in our
league make the playoffs and the bottom 8 teams also play in a
playoff format to determine the top 2 picks for the first round
Since you
have a draft league, how do you create your teams, what players
are available in your drafts, how many players can you keep?
Does you league have any special rules you use? Do you allow
teams to trade?
As a league we can
protect 20 players each season, at the conclusion of the draft
each team will have a 40 players roster. We do not allow free
agent pickups so you need to draft to make sure you have enough
usage to cover the entire season. When a team makes an
unbalanced trade, cuts are not required unless it would take
their roster to over 50 players.
We have a Min of 30 and a Max of 50 on our
roster after the draft is completed and until the roster cut
downs are made again.
So how many
games do you play a week?
With our league
being a Net Play league, each of the members are required to
setup a time to play their games with their opponents for the
month. Series do not have to be played in order but 6 series are
due to be completed over a 1 month period.
What is life
as the commissioner of The Winter Need a League like? How much
time does it take, what are your duties? Do you have other
officers in your league?
Life as a
commissioner in this league is very easy just because the league
members are GREAT!
Any league is only as good as it's weakest
member and I will take the weakest member in this league
anytime. I say this because you can not pick out a weak member
in this league. This past season I would say if I had to guess
that we have about 95% on time for all league activities and on
a few monthly blocks we finished well ahead of time. Right now
we don't have any other officers to speak of but we have many
guys willing to step up and fill in when needed. For example my
health hasn't been the best the last couple of years as you know
from the talks we have had. When I was in the hospital, I am
proud to report, this league ran like it was a well oiled
Harris have
you ever won a championship in your League or have you had a
championship in another league you played in? If and when did
this happen, and what type of team did you have? What type of
team do you generally like to create and manage? How did your
team do in your last season?
I have never
managed a Strat team to a championship in any league. I put a
lot of the blame why this is so due to my style of drafting and
managing. I tend to draft players I like to follow when I go out
to the ball park or watch on TV. Maybe one day I will finally
decide to draft a team to suit the ball park that I am playing
in. If you looked at some of the rosters I currently have you
would see a bunch of current and former Oriole's and National's.
In the Winter Need A Life League we have been around for 3
seasons now and I am 100 games under 500 with a 85 and 185
overall record. But in this case it's not how many wins you have
but it's how much fun you are having.
How is the
relationship of your members amongst each other?
I think, as I said
earlier, this is a great group of league members that we have
and I wouldn't trade any of these guys for anyone else.
Is there any
teams (via their manager) that has dominated your league?
Yes, there is one
team that jumps out at me right now due to the fact in his first
season he went 71-19. Then, in season 2, he and another team
both went 61-29 and this year he finished 46-44 the 8th seed
going into the playoffs, making the playoffs by just 1 game.
However, he went on to win the entire thing this year as the 8th
seed. I believe you will be talking with him very soon and that
is Stephen Kahn who is the Ontario Manager in this league.
(Editor's note: Yes Stephen has agreed to be interviewed which
we hope to share in our next issue ... )
When you
have had a successful team, what were the keys to your success
with this team (or teams)? Are there special strategies you use
to build your team? And special strategies you use when playing
your games?
Since I have not
had much success as far as winning in strat yet, I think once I
have decided to try to build a good team, I would try to obtain
a little bit of speed and then setup a better defensive team as
these are 2 of the areas that normally hurt my teams to to start
We always
ask those we interview if they have any tips or advice for our
members that could help them with success with their own game
My advice to
anyone reading this interview, is to remember this is a game and
a hobby, it's not a matter of life and death!! I have
built some great friendships since I have started playing Strat
and as I have said, within some of the leagues I am in, the
Strat Members are just like a small nit family.
Have you
ever tried to play in the on-line baseball leagues that
Strat-o-matic offers, other leagues (face-to-face or via the
Harris: I have not tried any other online
leagues that strat offers as of this time but I am always open
to trying new things down the road.
What do you
like about The Winter Need a League?
The best
thing about WNAL for me is the closeness of the league, it's
like I said earlier a small happy family.
Have you had
any special experiences (certain games that stand out in your
mind that you played or series you played) being a manager in
your league that were amazing or very unusual games, or
something you are proud of. Maybe some key trade you made ...?
The only thing I
can remember that stands out for me I guess was in another
league I played in, which is also a Winter League, where I had
for the first time a No Hitter that was thrown in a game I was
involved in. That was in 2012 when Kyle Lohse no hit my team in
the LABR league.
Why do you
personally like playing SOM - did you try other baseball games
like SOM?
I have played other
games like DK Sports and personally feel that Strat has more
realistic stats by the season's end.
Finally is
there anything else you would like to share with our members
that I didn't ask you before that you think is important to let
them know about about your league specifically?
I would like to
just say again to remember it's a game and hobby and any league
is only as good as the weakest member makes it. So go out and
have FUN!!!
And if a
member of the newsletter wanted to contact you or had some
questions for you, is this possible and if so what is the best
way to do it?
can contact me at:
if anyone would be interested in being added to the waiting list
or even being listed to be used as a sub to play a series if a
current owner is not available, please feel free to contact me
for this also.
Can you
share your league website with us?
Our league uses the
Strat Draft website for the most part. Thus, a person should be
able to follow the league .draft which starts in July at Winter
Need A Life on Strat Draft.
Harris, All the best
Support the Cause
If you are enjoying
the content and information our newsletter shares with you, why
not support us with your helpful donation for our minor expenses
and time?
Contained inside this exciting issue of Ultimate Strat
Baseball Newsletter:
(to view the various interviews, articles, columns and special sections click on
the links {underlined}
and this will take you to the appropriate
INTERVIEW with RON SHANDLER, Baseball Fantasy Expert,
Throughout the fantasy baseball world, in all the various forms
of Fantasy Baseball, there is no one more well known and
respected as Ron Shandler. He started the website Baseball HQ,
the very successful baseball guide called Baseball Forecaster
and now he offers the new BABS Project for winning in your
fantasy league. We had the chance to speak to Ron
and to
get to know him a bit better as well as find out what the BABS
project is all about in Part I, of a two part interview series
we will be doing with him.
SHAPIRO - Wolfman Challenges STPC Worlds Champion Pete Nelson,
The Strat Tournament Players Club, is known as the most
expansive and challenging series of Strat-o-matic Baseball Draft
tournaments world wide. Pete Nelson has been one of the main
organizers and supporters of these tournaments for many years as
well as one of their repeat champions in their classic Worlds
Tournaments. Pete lives close by to our editor Wolfman in
the Seattle area, so at the end of January, these two giants played a best
of seven game series following the tournament rules of this club. Find out
how this epic battle of SOM Baseball heavies went ....
SOM Baseball
and MLB World News - March 2017,
This is our periodic column where we share any exciting news
and updates linked to either the SOM World or MLB. In this
issue, we share a story about "Opening Day" at the
Strat-o-matic Game Company you have never heard, along with
another report from another newsletter member of their
experience at this year's "Opening Day". We also share
another analysis from Baseball Info Solutions done by strat
gamer and the owner, John Dewan about how to evaluate
Up-the-Middle Performances of various MLB teams ....
commissioner of the Cyber Baseball Association (CBA) continues
his new column sharing various perspectives on SOM Baseball.
For his article this month he discusses about vintage
strat-o-matic cards and how to find the best deals and
prices to get them.
INTERVIEW with CHRIS WILLIAMS, Strat Baseball Author,
Chris is a fellow strat baseball gamer and new member to our
newsletter who has just recently become the author of a new
book through Acta Sports by the title of, "Coulda Woulda
Shoulda", a very entertaining book about "What If" scenarios
that might have changed the history of baseball. In this
interview, meet Chris and find out more about his new book.
Chuck is one of our most popular contributors and is back with a
new article for his column, "The Chuck Stop", as he
continues his article he calls "Old Guys Rule" with
Part III.
This article deals with the value of a 1st round draft pick and more - Chuck
always entertains our readers with his insightful and colorful
stories and experiences - check out this latest edition now!
SHAPIRO - How to Setup Your Draft League Team, the Final Part
of this article,
Wolfman, finish the last segment of this three part article to share with
our members the meat and potatoes of his various strategies how to build his 2017
Skokie Wolfmen in the CBA, a Keepers computer league. In
this segment, he
discusses the results of the CBA draft held in early March with
both this written article and some supplemental entertaining
videos. By using his team as an
example, you may receive from this article some suggestions and
new strategies you can use to help build your own team and bring
to your fans
a league's
On-line Strat-o-matic and Baseball related websites
that offer amazing information, special tools and products to improve
your game play
that we strongly recommend. In most cases, we have had personal contact with
these sources who agree with the idea and key principle about working together
to help promote each other.
-- This page
specifically about special books we are finding that either will
expand your insights about the game of Baseball, help you in the
creation of your current league teams or with your replays and
learn more about the Strat-o-matic
Baseball Game and Game Company's
history. We
have a special arrangement with Acta Sports, who is a publisher
of a number of great baseball books (including Bill James
Handbooks) to offer for our members
a 10% discount. We will continue to add more books to this page in the future
as we uncover other gems our members should know about.
Contact Us for Questions or Submissions:
Wolfman Shapiro
Founder/Editor, the
Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter
To Sign Up and Become a Member of this Newsletter
(this provides direct emails when our bulletins
and next
issues come out)