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Vol. IV, Issue #8 - December 2016

** Interview with Sean Plouffe, Hitting Consultant **

(Sean is a very interesting person to listen to as well as visit his website, if you would
like to learn the secret to become a better hitter in your physical baseball play ....)

Notes from the Wolfman:  
Normally I have to be the initiator to find good people to interview for our newsletter whether linked to MLB in some fashion or around our game, SOM Baseball. But in this case, Sean Plouffe of Hitterish.com - he contacted us in November and agreed to share his unique perspective on hitting a baseball with our members as he calls himself a MLB Hitting Consultant.  Also there is a lot of great information he shares for free on his website. 

Since we always try to share with our members different aspects linked with the game of baseball and MLB, obviously if a person has the gift or a talent to hit a baseball with some authority, which means they have to understand what a good swing is about, this can become a key to their success. But is there a system or process that anyone can be taught, especially to major leaguers and minor leaguers that can take their hitting performance to a higher level?  This is what this interview will try to discover.)

Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter - Logo for Hitterish.com

Wolfman:  I would like to welcome to our newsletter Sean Plouffe who will be discussing with our members the art of hitting a baseball through his special knowledge and personal experiences. It is a great honor to meet you Sean and be able to offer our members this inside look at what has made certain ball players we all know by name, great hitters.

So Sean again, welcome to the Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter.

Now Sean, before we discuss what you do for a living, I like to give to our members a little bit about who you are, your background and what happened to you in your life which propelled you to become a hitting consultant. So lets talk first about your early life, as you were growing up. Can you share this with our members please?

Sean: I played 4 years of college ball and then 2 more seasons of independent minor league baseball. I was a slightly above average player who wanted more out of my career. I knew that I wasn't good enough to be drafted or play in the major leagues. That led me to questioning the things I was being taught and seeking answers on my own. Something inside me knew that there was a definite way to maximize my abilities as a hitter, I also knew that traditional coaching terminology was not the answer.

Wolfman: So what part of the country did you live in when you were younger?

Sean: I am from Ashburn Virginia. There weren't any indoor baseball facilities when I was growing up. If we wanted to practice, we went out in the cold and the snow.

Wolfman: What experiences brought to you an interest in baseball?

Sean: I played football, basketball and baseball. My mom took me to Orioles games when I was young, we also went to Frederick Key's minor league games. I really looked up to the players and knew that I wanted to be just like them.

Wolfman: What team did you root for when you were younger? Who was you favorite baseball player?

Sean: Baltimore Orioles and Cal Ripken. Baltimore has a beautiful stadium and Cal Ripken is obviously a legend. They didn't have to best teams but I never really noticed.

Wolfman: Obvious if you were able to play minor league base ball (which we will discuss this in a bit) you must have played baseball when you were younger, is this correct? Did you play in little league and if so what was your best position?

Sean: I can remember showing up to my first practice at 5 years old, my parents didn't know that I needed my own glove to play. The coach gave me his and eventually I played catcher, I have played every position but mainly stuck to catcher.

Wolfman: As you got older did you play in high school - if so tell us about this? Then what happened when you played baseball in college?

Sean: I played at Broad Run High School and looking back at it now, I realize how raw I was. Kids now have travel teams from the time they are 8 years old. The preparation before they reach high school is much different. I played as much ball as I could and turned out alright. After high school I played two years at Montgomery College. Once I was there, it was time to see what I was really made of. I started slow and hit .260 in my first year. I was fortunate enough to force my way onto a college summer team where I played good competition. I came back and hit .333 my second year at Montgomery College. After that I transferred to Shenandoah University, went to two National Championships but never won.

Wolfman: So, Sean, if you are a hitting instructor now, I would assume during these early days, you must have been a very good hitter in little league, high school and or college? So why did you have success as a hitter?

Sean: Is this just a natural gift someone has, good eye and hand coordination to see a baseball and hit it - why were you so successful. I was moderately successful just based on raw ability. One basic metric for a D1 player is to be able to hit a baseball 90 mph off of a tee, I was able to do that. I had good hand-eye coordination and a good feel for hitting the baseball square. I realize now that if I knew what I know now, I could have been a much better player.

Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter - Sean Plouffe hitting a baseball in league play from Hitterish

Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter - Sean Plouffe hitting a baseball in league play from Hitterish

Here we see Sean during his own baseball playing days as we can observe two views of his baseball swing.

Wolfman: Now moving forward in your life, apparently your skills and talents caught the attention of some scouts - I believe you told me in your emails you played minor league baseball but did not make the majors and also played in other professional leagues - can you discuss what happened to you - how did you continue your baseball history as a player?

Sean: I went undrafted out of college but I knew that I was better than the worst player in the minor leagues. So I became determined to play professionally, I knew a local baseball instructor that had some connections, told him I wanted to keep playing and I was very fortunate that he was able to recommend me to some professional teams.

Wolfman: While you were in the minor leagues - what was it like to be a baseball player at this level? Do you have any special memories of games you played in that your performance that day was exceptional and won the game for your team.

Sean: Going from a D3 school to facing 95 mph pitching was a struggle. I played very well defensively but ultimately struggled to hit as a professional. That is around the time that Jose Bautista went from hitting 13 home runs the year prior, to hitting 54 home runs. After that seasons I took a hard look at him and started to piece together the main components of hitting that I teach today.

Wolfman: What other league or levels of play did you participate in - can you explain this - how did you do in these other leagues?

Sean: I played in a local men's league to try to stay in shape between seasons. This is where I was really able to experiment and had very mixed results. Changing your swing is very long and difficult process. You're trying to undo all the years of repetition that your body has learned. Ultimately, I became a much better player but age had caught up to me and Major League teams really dislike anyone over the age of 22.

Wolfman: When did you decide to become a hitting consultant? You say right now you have clients (who you can't share their names due to privacy) who play in both the minor and major leagues - why would a professional baseball player come to you for your help? If you didn't make it to the majors yourself, would they trust your advice then?

Sean: That's a great question. As a hitting coach, all anyone can do is provide information. I know the information that is typically taught to hitters, however I knew that I could provide them with better and more correct information that would really help them. Most of my time is spent un-teaching the bad hitting cues that exist in the baseball community.

Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter - from Hitterish.com the batting swing of 4 great MLB hitters

(This animated gift sent by Sean is showing the swings (from your left to right) of
Bobby Bonds -- Hank Aaron -- Ted Williams and the Babe {Ruth} )

What are some of the key strategies or techniques you teach to others? You know, sometimes a personal system that works for that person or a certain individual, may not work for anyone else. Have the players you have worked with seen improvement in their hitting?

Sean: The swing components that I teach are based around the movements and swing path's of the best hitters to ever play. As I mentioned before, there is a disconnect between popular opinion and the actual swing mechanics that the world class hitters have used in the past 100 years. I put together a great clip of Barry Bonds, Hank Aaron, Ted Williams and Babe Ruth where you can clearly see that they are using the same movement patterns in their swing. This swing can be taught to anyone, it surely does not take superhuman strength or athletic ability to produce an efficient and effective bat path. Because there is this disconnect between popular opinion and the video evidence of these players, that has opened the opportunity for me to share my information and always back it up with proof (video).

Wolfman: What is it like to be a hitting consultant? What have you achieved in this capacity that you are the most proud about?

Sean: It's extremely rewarding to work with professional players and really make a difference in the trajectory of their careers. I am very proud that I recently partnered with B45 batcompany. They link to my video guides and have been a great ambassador for my website.

Wolfman: Can you discuss with our members what information or special videos you have to share on your website at www.hitterish.com?

Sean: This video titled "The moneyball of swing mechanics" explains a few of the popular misconceptions about the topic of hitting and also introduces the idea and principles that can maximize a hitters ability. To view go to:


This article on Barry Bonds is a good representation what I see when I watch his swing. I think the best thing a player can do is learn from the best players to ever play the game. That just makes a whole lot of sense to me. To read my article go to:


Wolfman: I noticed on your website you show some major league batters with their swing, images of them, did you have to get permission to use those images - do you know these hitters personally?

Sean: I do not know the hitters personally and have no sought permission to use their images. Because the info i'm sharing is free, I don't worry about the MLB shutting down my site. Also, if any player were to request that I remove their clips, I would gladly take them down.

Wolfman: How does your on-line training work to help a person hit a baseball?

Sean: Online training gives players the ability to work with me remotely from anywhere in the world. They send me video clips of them hitting in games or practice and from there I give them feedback and compare them to the best hitters ever and see what might help that particular player. It's obviously much more difficult to work with players online rather than in person, but many players now have learned that their local coach might not have all the answers they are looking for.

Wolfman: Now, going in a slightly different direction, have you ever played any of the fantasy base ball game whether as a board game, computer game or an on-line game where you have a chance to manage the actual MLB players? If so which games did you play and how did you like it?

Sean: I played daily fantasy baseball on fanduel. I had some success and had fun playing against my brother. When I have more time, I would definitely like to play season long fantasy baseball and bet on players that have been able to make the necessary adjustments to their swing. Jose Bautsita, Josh Donaldson, Josh Turner and J.D. Martinez are some examples of players who made adjustments to their swing and had great success.

Wolfman: Is someone wants to contact you what is the best way to do so, if they have other questions?

Sean: You're welcome to contact me at sean@hitterish.com and follow me at @airplouffe86 and @hitterish1 on twitter.

Wolfman: Thank you Sean for spending time with our members, to offer your unique perspective on hitting a baseball and using the proper mechanics to do so, all the best.



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Contained inside this exciting issue of Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter:
(to view the various interviews, articles, columns and special sections click on the links {underlined}
and this will take you to the appropriate webpage)


  SOM/MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL WORLD NEWS with WOLFMAN SHAPIRO, editor of "The Ultimate Strat Newsletter" roams the world for interesting news linked to SOM or MLB. For this month he shares some gems he found on the Strat-o-matic website, offers two more "Stat of the Week" bulletins through Baseball Info Solutions (John Dewan and Bill James), a special announce of a new draft guide coming out in January through our team in conjunction with Strat-o-gists, new videos on our Youtube channel and a gift shared with our members by a former contributor.

  ARTICLE with WOLFMAN SHAPIRO - How to Setup Your Draft League Team, as we all wait for the new 2017 cards (based upon the 2016 MLB Season) to come out, to our members who are in a Keeper's Draft League, during our off-season we always ponder how to make our teams better.  This article is probably more for GMs wanting to win their first championship, as the Wolfman let's you in on his strategies for building his Skokie Wolfmen in the CBA .... if you are in the CBA don't read this article please ...

  EARLY SOM BASEBALL CARDS with TOM NAHIGIAN, Wolfman's old Strat Friend, Tom Nahigian, known as the "Collector" in Guzzo's book, returns to us as we share images of some of the early SOM baseball cards made for the 1960 season, before Strat-o-matic created the advanced cards that we all know today.  This is one of our favorite periodic columns by our members, also check the links on this page to view the previous release of the early card image from 1960 and 1961.

  SOM BASEBALL LEAGUE REPORT with WOLFMAN SHAPIRO -- the editor of "The Ultimate Strat Newsletter" and 2012 CBA Champion, turns his attention to talk to members of various face-to-face Strat-o-matic Baseball Leagues that he has discovered through the league registry service offered on the Strat-o-matric website. Each commission speaks about the history of their league and their experiences. To read these interviews, click on the links below:

INTERVIEW with ARNIE POLLINGER, Commissioner of SOMBILLA (Face-to-Face)
INTERVIEW with BLAIR CONRAD, Commissioner of Halifax Strato (Face-to-Face)

  ARTICLE with Chuck Tinkler, Chuck is one of our most popular contributors and is back with a new article for his column, "The Chuck Stop", as he shares with us part one of what he calls "Old Guys Rule". This article deals with the value of a 1st round draft and more - Chuck always entertains our readers with his insightful and colorful stories and experiences - check his new article out now!

  RECOMMEND ON-LINE SOM RESOURCES -- On-line Strat-o-matic and Baseball related websites that offer amazing information, special tools and products to improve your game play that we strongly recommend. In most cases, we have had personal contact with these sources who agree with the principle to work together and help promote each other.

  BOOKS TO DIE FOR and Become a BASEBALL GURU -- This page is specifically about special books we are finding that either will expand your insights about the game of Baseball, help you in the creation of your current league teams or with your replays and learn more about the Strat-o-matic Baseball Game and Game Company's history.  We have a special arrangement with Acta Sports, who is a publisher of a number of great baseball books (including Bill James Handbooks) to offer for our members a 10% discount. We will continue to add more books to this page in the future as we uncover other gems our members should know about.


Contact Us for Questions or Submissions:

Wolfman Shapiro
Founder/Editor, the Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter

twitter: @StratBaseball4U

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