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Vol. III, Issue #2 - July 2015

** What happened during the Bruce Foster Challenge?
Read this Four Part Report

(When our newsletter began to explore the so-called "Whole Scene" happening with the on-line version
of the SOM Baseball Game last year, we discovered there were hundreds if not thousands of
people involved and even some very demanding and elaborate designed tournaments that
required great skill to win. As we asked about who were some of the most successful players,
one name kept resurfacing: "Bruce Foster", who was this person and did he have a system?)


Wolfman Shapiro, editor of the Ultimate Strat Baseball NewsletterI am going to apologize for reprinting in this section of this long report essentially the same article we shared in our March, 2015 Issue as an SOM Baseball News story that discussed the early aspects of this challenge to "Mr. Bruce Foster".  Since it has been 4 months since our last issue, I think its easier to read the circumstance surrounding this special report here, then to go back to a page in our previous issue. So, please find below a refresher of how this Challenge was setup followed by a very elaborate 3-part report of what took place.  So sit back in your favorite chair, get your favorite beverage and be ready for an amazing story to follow! 

As some of our readers might recall, last year (2014) we covered another version of SOM Baseball that is played completely on-line and has been around for a number of years.  In order to participate in the leagues and tournaments using this gaming system, you can do your whole job of the managing of your team through your web browser only. The Game company called this system, "Strat-o-matic Baseball Online".

For those not familiar with this style of play, it is based upon two key criterias, a) playing a 162 game league and which players you will draft from to create this new league which is called a set. This set can be one of the most recent seasons released or it can be many seasons (like a certain era of teams) or also what is known as the "All Time Greats (ATG)" which are the very best players who have ever received a strat card (printed or a computer image) in American baseball since the 1870's up till today as well as including the Negro League players.  Each card is based upon a single season. You play three games a night (54 days to complete a season) and the top teams qualify for the playoffs till a champion is discovered.  The tournaments held on SOM's Baseball Online System use a version of multiple leagues played over time (since the season is so short) to find their champions.

In an interview we did in May of last year (2014), we spoke directly to "Bruce Foster" who had just won the popular on-line tournament know as "The Barnstormers Tournament" that sees about 200 participants go through possibly up to 7 distinct leagues over a year's time to at first qualify for the playoffs and then have a chance to win the tournament title. Really this tournament is one of the most grueling and testing that has every been devised linked to any version of SOM Baseball I know including face-to-face tournaments over a full weekend.

Now, I actually played in one of the leagues that was a part of the Barnstormers tournament  last year and our team (the Skokie Wolfmen) didn't do so well using the set I mentioned called the "All Time Greats". The challenge in using this set is to find the right combination of  the finest players who have ever played baseball of all time at your finger tips to make your team. But Geez, if you don't know what you doing with the thousands of choices of players you have to choose from, you can easily get lost.

At the end of this introduction for this report, please find the page link to the interview we did in May of 2014 with Bruce Foster. In his interview he discussed his strategy how he followed to win Barnstormers which now, about a year later, would be the same strategy I was about to us to test his system if it could work for someone else.  Further, in the October 2014 issue, I reported about my experiences from the 2014 Barnstormer's Tournament, League #1 which I joined. Thus, you can read what happened to me when I tried to make my first plunge, with a little help and advice from a few other experienced gamers but basically learning the ropes myself. I will discuss in this report, a comparison between the 2014 Skokie Wolfmen I led and what happened to me this spring with the new and reformed 2015 Skokie Wolfmen with the guidance I received from Bruce. But first lets get back to our story in chronological order ...

After I did the interview with Bruce last year, I asked him a very simple question at that time. This was a question that any good interviewer would ask, or really any gamer would ask if you were to meet an individual who has been having consistent success in virtually almost every league he joins -- So my question was, "Bruce, if I used your system, could I duplicate your success?" 

I promised Bruce that I would not reveal any of his key or secret strategies (or what one calls using a non-disclosure) so that anyone who would read my report, wouldn't know fully what these so-called private aspects of his strategies were. Plus, this might also put Bruce on the spot, if he agreed to allowing me to play with such a similar team in an ATG league and I didn't do well.  Now, I knew about Bruce's frequent success during the "Barrnstomers Tournament" that had been held before in the past as their commissioner keeps a detailed history of each tournament. This gives an observer or possible future participant an opportunity to research and see which type of teams were put together by different gamers who had won this tournament. One could easily see Bruce's name appearing frequently as being one of the final participants into the playoffs since he begun to use his system.

In any case, Bruce eventually agreed to my proposal knowing I would be writing this report for our newsletter about how my team performed after we joined a new league based on the ATG set with 100 million dollars to spend and using a DH and following his system to the letter or as best as I could. However, once we made this agreement it took quite a few months before both Bruce and I had time to re-connect and for him to explain his system to me more fully. Basically, what his system does, is he utilizes some special spreedsheets which rate all the key players by a numerical value which tells him which hitters and pitchers are going to be the most effective in Petco Park 2005 (the Padres Park) that is ranked the best as a pitchers park with a rating only 1 for a single to both left and right handed hitters and rated only 1 for homers to both sides as well. This means, that you can't count on getting virtually any ball park singles or homeruns off the cards. 

Thus at the end of February (2015), following the instructions I received from Bruce about which type of players I should draft that would work with his system, I went through the drafting process in the Great Salt Lake League requesting and bidding on 25 players while using the 100 million dollars allocated.  After the first phase was done and all the league members did their bids, we acquired most of the players recommend by the Foster system. The second phase of this process is a waiver system, where we can do a bid and exchange on players not picked by anyone, and I used the waver system to replace two of our key starting pitchers (Pete Alexander and Johann Santana) plus I took a more favorable version of Nap Lajoie card at 2B and there were a few more players we took in the platoon positions that Bruce recommended, about seven more players we did an exchange.  Then the last face of building your team we had about two or three days where we could drop any players we wished and pick up new players at will, as long as we had funds to do so which involved another three or four players we exchanged. All in all we needed to have a team of at least 24 players which for the 2015 Wolfman then comprised 9 pitchers and 15 hitters. This was our final team we played for the entire season.

Basically Bruce was giving to me his recommendations of which players I should bid on, having done his system many times, he already knew which was the best combination of players to select. I followed his recommendations faithfully so I could follow the same system he had used which had worked.  Bruce told me once we had our team roster in place, we won't be making any trades during the season or dropping and exchanging other players (which result in financial penalties after the season had began).  In effect, I was trusting his guidance completely in building our team.

Once again, here is our final roster we selected for the Great Salt Lake League  (numbers shown are from their performance in the year indicated):

Starting Pitchers:  Greg Maddux (1995) 19-2 1.63 ERA
                               Dutch Leonard (1914) 19-5 0.96 ERA
                               Pete Alexander (1915) 31-10 1.22 ERA
                               Johan Santana (2004)  20-6 2.61 ERAa

Our other pitchers were not so important as we hardly use them in relief but by the rules of the league we needed one other possible starter with four other pitchers for relief, these pitchers were:

Mike McCormick (1962, R - only because we needed this fifth starter, he also relieved which he did)
Frank Linzy (1972) (RHP 9R); Mark Clear (1979) (RHP 7R); Joe Klink (1990) (LHP 5R) and;
Bob Shirley (1986) (LHP 8L)

Catchers:  Alan Ashby (1987,S) .288 with 14 HRs;  Willard Hershberger (1940, R) .309 (in a platoon)

1st Base: 
Wes Parker (1965, S) .238 1b-1e5; George Burns (1929, R) .224 (in a platoon)

2nd Base: Nap Lajoie (1901, R) .426, .463 OB, 2b-1e17

3rd Base: Ed Delahanty (1894, R) .407, .478 OB, 3B-3e29, LF-2(-2)e11

Shortstop: Bob Wallace (1901, R) .283, SS-1e21

Leftfield:  Ty Gainey (1986, L) .300 LF-2(+2)e16;  Tony Phillips (1988, S), .203 LF-4 (in a platoon)

Centerfield:  Earle Combs (1927, L) .356 CF-1(+3)e10;  Mike Kreevich (1941, R), .232 CF-2 (platoon)

Rightfield: Cristobal Torriente (Neg, L) .354, .434 OB, OF-1(-4)e7; Terry Harper (1982,R) .287 RF-2 (platn)

DH:  Gates Brown (1968, L) .370 .442 OB; Jose Cardinal (1980, R) .263

Ball Park: Petco Field (2005), Singles L -1 R -1; Homeruns L-1 R-1

Note: Tony Phillips in 1988 played every non-pitching position, Only Lajoie, Delahanty and Wallace would play against all types of pitchers unless they were injured.)

When we had reported the results of the season during our news story with our challenge to Mr. Foster in the March issue - the Great Salt Lake League had already started and we had played about 50 games. At that time our team was over .500 but was struggling a bit.

If you would prefer to view all of the stats of the Skokie Wolfmen that happened during the Great Salt Lake League instead of following the breakdown of our season through the next three parts to follow our report, you can visit our team page on the Strat-o-matic website at:


To read the Interview with Bruce Foster from last year, where he discusses to some degree the strategy he has used to have consistent success in the online gaming environment visit:


So dear readers, time to review how the Skokie Wolfmen performed in this league. Would the "Bruce Foster System" take the Wolfmen to a higher level of play?  Would the Wolfmen make the Great Salt Lake League Playoffs?  The only way to find out is to click on the next part of this report shown below :-)

Click Here to Read Part 1 of the Bruce Foster Challenge

enjoy dear readers .....

The Skokie Wolfman 



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If you are enjoying the content and information our newsletter shares with you, why not support us with your helpful donation for our minor expenses and time?

Contained inside this exciting issue of Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter:
(to view the various interviews, articles, columns and special sections click on the links {underlined}
and this will take you to the appropriate webpage)


  INTERVIEW with DICK BREMER, Play by Play announcer for the Minnesota Twins for over 30 years tells us about his interest and playing days with SOM Baseball.

  VIDEO INTERVIEW with HAL RICHMAN, The creator of Strat-o-matic Baseball, speaks to our "Johnny on the Spot" earlier this year during "Opening Day" as we finally we are granted permission to share this unique and special interview with our members.  This is one of several interesting videos that we have on our Youtube Channel, click on the Bright Blue Link above or the Youtube Link below to view this interview (18+ minutes):


  REPORT with TOM NAHIGIAN (1961 cards), Personal friend of the Wolfman, known in Guzzo's book as "The Collector", returns and we take a peak at some of the early strat cards printed.

  COLUMN: "STRAT THOUGHTS" with BRUCE BUNDY, BB as we affectionately call him returns with another special column sharing strategies to win with your draft Strat Team.

  REPORT: FUNNY & AMAZING STRAT/MLB STORIES (various - new column), Various friends linked with SOM Baseball sharing some of their most funny and amazing stories linked to the game or Major League Baseball, start of a new column.

  REPORT: GREATEST GAMES EVER PLAYED (various - new column, replays), Two members of the Strat-o-matic.net forum, share with us the greatest baseball games they have ever played during a replay season start of a new column.

  COLUMN: "COMMISSIONER's CORNER" with MARC WASSERMAN -- The return of the "Commish" with another insightful article for his column as he focuses upon how to build a team that will compete for your league's championship.

  RECOMMEND ON-LINE SOM & MLB RESOURCES -- On-line Strat-o-matic and Baseball related websites that offer amazing information, special tools and products to improve your game play that we strongly recommend. In most cases, we have had personal contact with these sources who agree with the principle to work together and help promote each other.

  BOOKS TO DIE FOR and Become a BASEBALL GURU -- This page is specifically about special books we are finding that either will expand your insights about the game of Baseball, help you in the creation of your current league teams or with your replays and learn more about the Strat-o-matic Baseball Game and Game Company's history.  We have a special arrangement with Acta Sports, who is a publisher of a number of great baseball books (including Bill James Handbooks) to offer for our members a 10% discount. We will continue to add more books to this page in the future as we uncover other gems our members should know about.


Contact Us for Questions or Submissions:

Wolfman Shapiro
Founder/Editor, the Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter

twitter: @StratBaseball4U

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