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Vol. VI, Issue #2 -
April 2018

** Welcome to USBN as the 2018 SOM Baseball
Year begins with the the latest seasons of the
Strat-o-matic Cards, the new version of the
computer game, the SOM baseball card viewer
app, more Baseball Daily and Baseball 365

Comments from the Wolfman about
this current issue as we
continue our sixth year (2018) of operation and publication.
This issue is full of new exciting stories, interviews and
the latest news. As we strive to continue to provide for our
readers the most unique and interesting aspects of Strat-o-matic
Baseball with key links to Major League Baseball.  Now it is time,
once again, to meet some of the most interesting people who are
connected to the game we love.
2018 is going to be another
amazing year with all the new products and services that
Strat-o-matic is offering - so stay tuned as you
ain't seen nothin' yet - from your staff at the USBN ....

Quick Links to the Articles / Interviews this Month
J. G. Preston / Bruce Bundy / Dave Lubera / Tom Nahigian
 Marc Wass / SOM News Updates / Baseball Series in Heaven


Wolfman Shapiro, editor of the Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter

Welcome - Welcome - Welcome - to our second edition of your Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter for the new and exciting 2018 Strat-o-matic Baseball Season.  Well by now you most likely have seen all the new baseball seasons and cards and probably your leagues and tournaments have already begun. But before we get into the materials for the newsletter, first lets talk Baseball as Opening Day just happened ....

I believe the 2018 MLB Season is going to be one of the most exciting ever.  Why do I say this?  Well two reasons, #1 - there are quite a few teams who could become the champs this year and #2 - we continue to see more and more good young players entering the Majors and it is hard to tell who will be the next superstars.  Now I am writing this entry after Opening Day (and the newsletter will be delivered shortly thereafter) - but we already saw some signs of what 2018 holds and as usual, a few teams have gotten off to a fast start and some have been disappointing.

First of course Stanton with the Yankees, two homers in the first game - most likely the Yankees will contend and they could make it to the Series as after all, they just missed by one game last year - they should set the homerun record by a team.  Then Davidson on the WhiteSox - 3 homers -- this is going to be a sign the cards for next year are going to be filled with ballpark homers again - if you can find a pitchers card without any homers, it will be a gift.  The Cubs, well it was against the Marlins, but still 3 more homers for them -- and I think an improved starting staff and relief staff (although their hitters in the early games have been inconsistent?) - they could be back - they had the magic before.  And finally the Astros got started too, Springer the Series MVP (he is on our league team BTW, drafted him before he got a card) for the second straight year hit a leadoff homer - don't count the Astros out - having Verlander and Cole for a whole year - they are still the team to beat with probably the most balanced team in the Major Leagues.

Other team to watch out for of course in the American League, don't count out Cleveland and Boston even though both lost Opening Day - some people think the Angels might be better (and they started out well) but I don't think they have enough pitching.  In the National League well there is of course the Nationals - this could be there year and certainly the Dodgers.  I don't think the Brewers or Cardinals will beat out the Cubs (but you never know as the Cubs are starting slow) but both teams could be a wildcard or Arizona too, which beat Colorado, they could be back.  And also the two top starters for the Giants are out to start but, the Giants could sneak in.  So both leagues will see plenty of competition and excitement for those who play Baseball Daily.

Ok, on to our current issue -- first of all I want to acknowledge my old friend J.G. Preston, who has become quite a writer of baseball articles, especially those stories which have never been told.  J.G. use to work for the game company when he was younger and my nickname of the "Wolfman" was given to me by him when I joined one of his mail leagues in the early 1970's.  In this issue, J.G. writes about which pitchers did not bat 9th (usually 8th sometimes other) and which managers used the pitcher 8th the most.

Next up, we have a very old friend from the 1970's - he was a kid back then who would attend the National Conventions with his Dad, that is Dave Lubera and his father Richard.  He has some stories to tell us and also some of the early document we used back then when computers didn't exist yet.  Then we bring back the card images Tom Nahigian sent us of the original 1961 teams - another look at these early cards. 

Then our good friend and SOM Baseball Authority, Bruce Bundy returns to this issue as he does a well comprehensive interview with the Wolfman discusses his history and experiences with the game, to give our readers an idea of how it all started for Bruce.  Marc Wass comes back with another thought-provoking article taking a closer look at two new features in the 2018 version of the SOM Computer Baseball Game, the cloud, what is and how is works and, what are "Extreme Matchups"? 

Lastly, in our SOM Baseball News page - we return with Alan Davidson who has created a wealth of Negro, Cuban, Minor and a few 1800's MLB teams -- you might want to check out.  And then, an early announcement (with the results in another issue) of the Greatest Cubs challenging the Greatest Yankees of all time - no doubt you will know the name of most of these players (the key though is that they all have passed on but one - this will be explained) and why this series is being played. Stay tuned as the results of this 3 game series is given coming up soon, an extention to this issue.

So we hope you enjoy this next issue - and as always, I am always open to receive contributions from our members.  We all have our stories to tell playing the game we love, whether its in a league or a tournament, or some funny story that happened - or even connected to MLB.  All of us love to hear the stories of the other members because we each can relate to each other having had our own experiences.  For example you might think your experiences will not be of interest or can educate others on baseball strategy but you would be very surprised to know it does.  So, please feel free to contact me with any ideas or thoughts you might have for a new article.  Or do you happen to know any ex-Major Leagues personally who might be open to be interviewed - our members love to hear their individual stories as well.

If you missed the file I sent out with our 1st bulletin of the year, which has the lefty-righty split stats for the 2017 MLB season, you can download it by clicking on this link:

Click Here for the Spreadsheet for Hitters/Pitchers vs LHP/RHP 

Note (our monthly reminder)
Once again, if you have just joined us recently or haven't had a chance to read all of our bulletins and prior newsletters (since January of 2013), you can find everything you desire by visiting our archive webpages at:

http://archive.aweber.com/stratbaseball  (2013 -2017)
http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4891222  (2018)

So, what are you waiting for, dig in to the new contents of this issue right now, the menu selection below shows all the new articles, interviews and reports ........

To your success in 2018 with your current leagues, replays and future tournaments,

always yours .....

Wolfman Shapiro
on behalf of the team at USBN



Support the Cause

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Contained inside this exciting issue of the Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter:

(to view the various interviews, articles, columns and special sections click on the links {underlined} and this will take you to the appropriate webpage)

  ARTICLE with J. G. PRESTON, Baseball Author, Stat Analytics Researcher, we return with Mr. J. G. Preston, one of the most indepth and comprehensive Baseball Researchers sharing unusual and never told before stories.  This month, J. G. talks about pitchers throughout the history of baseball who did not bat 9th and which managers have placed their pitchers hitting 8th the most - one of his many interesting baseball articles on his blog website.

  INTERVIEW with BRUCE BUNDY, In this Month issue of our newsletter, for Mr. Bundy's column, "Strat Thoughts", the Wolfman talks to Bruce about his experiences and life linked with Strat-o-matic Baseball, as we learn how Bruce became so well known within our community.  Take a peek at this enjoyment chat with Bruce Bundy (added April 9th to this issue of the newsletter).

  ARTICLE with DAVE LUBERA, Dave and Richard Lubera were yearly attendees for the Illinois SOM National Conventions from 1975-1980 - in this article Dave shares with our members some of his experiences, stories and memories of these early times and the tournaments with photos and copies of some of the documents linked to the planning of the conventions that have been lost over time.

  1961 BASEBALL CARDS with TOM NAHIGIAN, We return again this month with a look at the card images of the original MLB players released for the 1961 season by Strat-o-matic thanks to the sharing by Tom Nahigian who scanned for us all the cards from 1960 and 1961 from his whole collection.

  SOM Baseball and MLB World News - April 2018, This is our periodic column where we share any exciting news and updates linked to either the SOM World or MLB. In this issue, we discuss the free 1890 MLB teams, various minor league team and players, a few cuban teams and a ton of professional Negro teams, created by Alan Davidson which you can receive from him for free and, the series of the century, coming up later this month, between the All Time Great Cub vs. the Yankee Players and the key role this series will play in a new short story to be written by the Wolfman and why.

  STRAT WISE with MARC WASSERMAN commissioner of the Cyber Baseball Association (CBA) continues his new column by sharing more in depth about two key new features in the 2018 SOM Computer Baseball Game, the use of the cloud which makes running a league and passing the league files much easier and a new rule that could alter and change your game play called "Extreme Matchup".

  Special Report/Story with WOLFMAN SHAPIRO, The book that this story will eventually be a part of is tentatively called, "How They Play Baseball in Heaven", but this story is linked to the results of a so-called fantasy 3 game series held at Wrigley Field between the Greatest NY Yanks who ever lived, vs. the same with the Chicago Cubs -- this is a multi-page report with a full explanation of the book it will turn into, why this series and a full reporting on the 3 games played. Be prepared for one wild ride from the crazed mind of a Wolfman as he shares this story piece meal here in the April issue as well as his way to celebrate his 63rd birthday (April 17th).

  RECOMMEND ON-LINE SOM RESOURCES -- On-line Strat-o-matic and Baseball related websites that offer amazing information, special tools and products to improve your game play that we strongly recommend. In most cases, we have had personal contact with these sources who agree with the idea and key principle about working together to help promote each other.

  BOOKS TO DIE FOR and Become a BASEBALL GURU -- This page is specifically about special books we are finding that either will expand your insights about the game of Baseball, help you in the creation of your current league teams or with your replays and learn more about the Strat-o-matic Baseball Game and Game Company's history.  We have a special arrangement with Acta Sports, who is a publisher of a number of great baseball books (including Bill James Handbooks) to offer for our members a 10% discount. We will continue to add more books to this page in the future as we uncover other gems our members should know about.


Contact Us for Questions or Submissions:

Wolfman Shapiro
Founder/Editor, the Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter


twitter: @StratBaseball4U                              

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