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Vol. VI, Issue #1 - February 2018

** Interview with Ron Shandler - the leading
authority on Fantasy Baseball, Part I & II

(In 2015, we introduced our members to Ron Shandler, via the on-line newsletter he
started called BaseballHQ, also interviewing the editor of the newsletter, and then
we did a book review of the well known and highly regarded yearly guide for Fantasy
Baseball called "Baseball Forecaster", but now we have the chance to speak to
the man himself. On this page of our newsletter, we continue with Part II of the
interview with Mr. Shandler which is being shared for the first time here - Wolfman.)

Part II of the Ron Shandler Interview
(this interview was conducted via email in April, 2017)

(Notes from the Wolfman:  
It is my pleasure to finally be able to finish the second part of Mr. Shandler's interview which took place last year, to offer our members some more insights into his new book, entitled, The BABS Project: Uncovering the Truth About Winning at Fantasy Baseball and how his new strategies could help you when building your strat baseball team in your leagues.  Also just before I put his second interview together, I received an email from Mr. Shandler giving his current status, that I thought our members would enjoy.)

Wolfman:  This month we return with Part II of our interview with the legendary, Ron Shandler.  From my perspective, I see him as the most intriguing baseball strategist for sharing and giving to others (like us, strat gamers), the best understanding of the key strategies one should give attention to for seeing better results in your fantasy baseball league, whether a strat league or not. In this next part of Mr. Shandler's interview, I will be asking more questions of Mr. Shandler about his insights how to win in fantasy baseball as well as give a further discussion about his new system he has introduced last year, called BABS.

Mr. Shandler, welcome back to the Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter.

Now, you have been active for over 30 years, sharing information with others about Fantasy Baseball via your on-line websites, books, articles and  interviews.  From all of this time you have spent doing your analytics with all the playing experience you have, can you share with our members any other key strategies or studies they might wish to perform, to better help them see more success in their various forms of strat-o-matic baseball leagues (note: that we have keeper leagues, all star leagues with the best players over time, retro leagues, draft leagues, etc ...).

Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter, Photo of Ron Shandler, a leading authority on how to win in Fantasy Baseball, author of the BABS Project

Ron: My biggest piece of advice is to not get too hung up on the numbers. There is a wide error bar around every statistical expectation that makes forecasting and trend analysis difficult. A player might hit 8 HRs one year, 12 the next and 16 the year after that - some people might call that a trend when in fact that might be the same player every year. I know that in simulation play, there is the frustration when your 35 HR hitter only hits 25 during your replay, but that is a very valid result.

Wolfman:  Ron, in order to evaluate a player, and their overall value - which statistics and analystics should a gamer consider?  What about the age of a player?

Ron: I prefer to look at players by breaking down their skills to granular levels. Stats like batting average, OBP, ERA, and even overall measures like OPS contain too much noise. If I want to validate a player's batting average, for instance, I'll look at walk-to-strikeout rate, contact rate, BABIP (Batting Average on Balls in Play), GB-to-FB, etc. and try to paint a picture from that. For pitchers, K/BB as well, strikeout rate, GB/FB, BABIP, etc.

When it comes to age, the only thing I look at are players over 35. In a player's mid-30s, performance spikes almost never repeat and declines rarely reverse themselves. But performance can take any form in all ages younger than that.

Wolfman:  There are many new statistics being used these days (some initiated by Bill James and others) to evaluate the overall worth of a player, which statistical views of a player do you consider are the most important?

Ron:  All the new statistics have a role. Data coming out of Statcast is fascinating. New gauges like spin rate, barrel, etc. provide interesting new views on performance. I'm personally interested to see if anyone can find a way to make these measures more predictive of future performance, rather than just descriptive.

Wolfman:  Should the ability of a positional player to make plays in the field and not commit many errors be taken into consideration when seeking a player's value?

Ron:  Certainly. Traditional fantasy leagues don't take defensive metrics into account, but they are always lurking in the background. When it comes to prospects, we always say that "defense gets a player to the majors; offense keeps him there."

Wolfman:  What are the key considerations to look at for evaluating pitchers?

Ron:  I look for a pitcher who will potentially have longevity, and that starts and ends with strikeouts. Deception will get a pitcher just so far; he needs to be able to put a batter away when he has to.
Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter - Book Cover of Ron Shandler's new book, The BABS Project. Wolfman:  Now Ron, lets move on to the BABS system that you have developed.  You said in your last interview that this was a better way for a fantasy manager to predict a players lasting value linked to drafting such a player before their fantasy baseball season begins.  Here are a few more questions I have about BABS, as it has such a different approach then we are accustomed to, when we rank the players we wish to draft for our teams.

1) Why do you consider the BABS system superior - what factors does it consider that other systems are not doing?

Ron:  The BABS player ratings are not statistical. This reinforces the fact that there are wide error bars around the stats. So players are rated as having below average, moderate, significant and extreme skill. As an example, so far this year it allowed us to assess a player like Khris Davis and determine he has the same underlying asset profile as Giancarlo Stanton, Trevor Story and Gary Sanchez, players typically drafted ahead of him. That is how you uncover profit.

2) In order to create BABS, it wasn't total clear in your new book where the data comes from to fill out the BABS evaluation forms - is there a detail procedure given somewhere that is easy to follow our members can read?  Do you have examples your website, taking a newbie to BABS through the calcuations and data to use.  Does the BABS system have some final numeric value that is given to each player so we can compare one player to another?

Ron:  Nope. No numbers. BABS slots players into asset groups, and then ranks them based on how the marketplace is drafting them. Here are two articles that describe the process in a bit more detail:

3) I am not sure if I understood your last point correctly Ron. However, I believe I had read previously that if a fantasy gamer were to become a member of your website, then this individual would have access to the various evaluations of the current MLB players that you have already done using BABS.  If my understanding is correct, would you speak more about these evaluations you have done?

Ron:  Yes, members of RonShandler.com have access to our complete database of player ratings, spreadsheets, forums and regular articles about BABS and baseball analysis in general.

4) Is there any other aspects of the BABS evaluation system that you would like to expand upon that was not covered by my earlier questions?

Ron:  So far, I've just talked about the "asset" side of the balance sheet. Each player is also assessed for "liabilities" as well. This allows you to look at two players with similar asset profiles and differentiate between them based on risk factors such as injury history, experience, age, etc.

Wolfman:  And finally Ron, is there any final comments overall, you wish to share with our members that is linked to key strategies or analytics you have personally utilized to help you with your own personal success in the leagues you have participated in?  Keys that could help our members in their overall play with their fantasy baseball team(s), whether this might be linked to strat-o-matic or not.

Ron:  We have found that the BABS system has value for many types of fantasy formats, including simulation games like Strat. Though we don't evaluate defense, the rest of a player's asset/liability profile provides gamers with a truer view of potential performance.

Wolfman:  Can you finally tell our member on your new website, what type of materials and information they can find and what they receive in addition if  they become your member?

Ron:  A one-year membership to RonShandler.com includes the "The BABS Project" PDF eBook, which describes the system in detail, plus:

       • BABS ratings, rankings and cheat sheets for 2017 (2018?)

       • Ongoing BABS analyses in preparation for draft day and  beyond.

       • Ron Shandler's insights 1-3 times per week,  including all his
         ESPN Insider columns

       • Downloadable versions of all the worksheets and  spreadsheets

       • Members-only message boards

       • Access to all the reports in the new BABS Database

       • In-season updates, general commentary and more

Wolfman:  Thank you Ron for visiting with us once again, all the best


An Update on What is Happening in Mr. Shandler's world
(from a recent email he sent out to his mailing list connected to Linkedin)

To all my LinkedIn connections:

I regularly get emails asking about my whereabouts after having left BaseballHQ in 2015, so I've taken to sending out this quick note once per year as an update.

Very quickly -

Pretty much all of my writing now can still be found at RonShandler.com.

Last year, I wrote a book -- The BABS Project: Uncovering the Truth About Winning at Fantasy Baseball -- and it's still available, but I've been publishing updates on the website. There are three more book projects on deck; this may take a few years.

If you've been hearing about BABS (Broad Assessment Balance Sheet) and are wondering what it's all about, these two pages will help explain: 39 Silent Killers of your Fantasy Draft, and How to Draft the Stats of Didi Gregorius 220 Picks Later.

I am still fronting the annual Baseball Forecaster book and First Pitch Forum conference series (which begins in St. Louis and Chicago this weekend - February 23-25, 2018).

I still have my weekly column each Wednesday in the Insider area at ESPN.com.

Also, Facebook and Twitter.

That's it.

Be well, 

Ron Shandler


Note: -- to read Part One of Mr. Shandler's interview, please see the page links below or click here ... Wolfman 



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Contained inside this exciting issue of the Ultimate Strat
Baseball Newsletter:

(to view the various interviews, articles, columns and special sections click on the links {underlined} and this will take you to the appropriate webpage)


  INTERVIEW with RON SHANDLER - PART I, In the first part of Mr. Shandler's interview we have a chance to meet Mr. Shandler and learn about his background and projects.  Then he shares with about his latest fantasy draft system called BABS which is like no other system you have heard of.

  SOM Baseball and MLB World News - February 2018, This is our periodic column where we share any exciting news and updates linked to either the SOM World or MLB. In this issue, we discuss all the new baseball products that the Game Company released for 2018, the new teams, the new version of the computer game and more plus, a reminder about the amazing new USBN 2018 Essential Draft Guide, that our group is putting out yearly to help you with your keeper's league upcoming draft as the key players available are all evaluated ....

  STRAT WISE with MARC WASSERMAN commissioner of the Cyber Baseball Association (CBA) continues his new column by giving us a complete report about his experiences at 2018 Strat-o-matic Opening Day along with the videos we have available on our Youtube USBN channel from interviews taken on this day.

  INTERVIEW with DEREK BAIN, Baseball Author, Stat Analytics Researcher, Derek is a fantasy baseball gamer who has tried many of the simulated baseball games out including Strat-o-matic Baseball.  Also he has written his own book and loves baseball analytics and stats in every form.  He offers in this interview some amazing insights in the game of baseball.

  SOM BASEBALL LEAGUE REPORT with WOLFMAN SHAPIRO -- the editor of "The Ultimate Strat Newsletter" and 2012 CBA Champion, turns his attention to talk to members of various face-to-face Strat-o-matic Baseball Leagues that he has discovered through the league registry service offered on the Strat-o-matric website. This month we follow up on the "Winter Need a Life League" by speaking to their 2017 champion. To read the interview for this month, click on the link below:

,Winter Need a Life League Champion from their 
  2017 season (Netplay)

  RECOMMEND ON-LINE SOM RESOURCES -- On-line Strat-o-matic and Baseball related websites that offer amazing information, special tools and products to improve your game play that we strongly recommend. In most cases, we have had personal contact with these sources who agree with the idea and key principle about working together to help promote each other.

  BOOKS TO DIE FOR and Become a BASEBALL GURU -- This page is specifically about special books we are finding that either will expand your insights about the game of Baseball, help you in the creation of your current league teams or with your replays and learn more about the Strat-o-matic Baseball Game and Game Company's history.  We have a special arrangement with Acta Sports, who is a publisher of a number of great baseball books (including Bill James Handbooks) to offer for our members a 10% discount. We will continue to add more books to this page in the future as we uncover other gems our members should know about.


Contact Us for Questions or Submissions:

Wolfman Shapiro
Founder/Editor, the Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter


twitter: @StratBaseball4U                              

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