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Issue #7 - December 2013

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** Welcome to USBN Issue #7 **

Comments from the Wolfman about Issue #7, as we approach the end of
our first year of the newsletter, along with some special interviews

Wolfman Shapiro, editor of the Ultimate Strat Baseball NewsletterAs we come to the end of our first year, now being able to release our seventh issue of the newsletter, all I can feel is gratitude. First I want to acknowledge a few very special people who gave us support during this most interesting first year, which for any new organization is usually the most difficult time. Although you have mostly been reading my words and thoughts, being the editor, you need to know that behind the scenes is my partner, Marc Wasserman, who you should have met via his Commissioner's Column each month. He is basically the business manager and is the one to provide the resources for our website as well as is opening up many new doors for us.

Stratogists.com and Stratomatic Baseball Village were the first two groups to support us even before we printed one word and we must strongly acknowledge these two groups not only for their support but the great job they are doing to support our community. As of this month, Mike SanClemente, the founder of Stratogists.com, is now an advisor for the newsletter and we look forward to continue to work with him and his team at Stratogists.com (you all are aware of the joint project we are doing with them for the Rookie Review, which is coming out very soon!!). We also welcome Bruce Bundy as a new advisor as well, who does his "Strat Thought" column. Bruce is also known for his Projection Sheets, and we thank him for his confidence in granting to us the chance to help provide these powerful strategy sheets for our members. 

We give thanks to our partners with the Strat Alliance, Star Tournaments and Pure Strat, from whom we learned a lot about how the modern face-to-face and online baseball tournaments are being run. We most definitely are big supporters of their pioneering work. A special thanks to Larry Braus, my old friend from Chicago, who has been a behind the scene assistant and to all the great individuals you have met through our various issues that allowed us to interview them or submitted an article (too many to name but you know who you are!).

As it should be obvious, a project like this newsletter can not succeed without the help and support of a good team of people. We feel fortunate and blessed to have such.

But also let us not forget each of you, our readers. Without our readers there is no newsletter, so you also are a part of the force to make the "Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter" a reality and we are forever grateful. Plus, as this issue comes out before Christmas, we want to wish to each of you, not only our heartfelt thanks but we hope that you have a most wonderful holiday time with friends and family and of course during this off time, get in enough strat baseball to satisfy you before the new cards come out - right?

In reviewing last month's issue, I see I was totally off on my predictions for the World Series and once again, just as the S.F. Giants won in 2012, it was the hot team, the Boston Red Sox who won, what their 3 world series in 10 years. Anyway this is a shorter issue than normal but still packed with some interesting interviews and columns.

We feel very honored to have in the same issue a chance to speak to probably the two key individuals, who helped make the game company a success, by supporting Mr. Richman with his dream. That would be Steve Barkan (interview done by Bruce Bundy, thanks Bruce for permission to share this amazing interview) and James Williams, Mr. Richman's two key lieutenants in the early 1970's. We have though, James retiring in 2011 (but still connected with the game company) and Steve getting ready to retire shortly as well.  So you have your chance to meet these two remarkable people, who gave each, what over 40 years of their lives to make SOM a success and in my opinion the best sports game around!

Next we have our normal three columns back, with Marc Wasserman (call him "Wass") doing the commish column and introducing his first SOM Baseball League; Bruce Bundy with "Strat Thoughts" but this time sharing photos of the game company and key people with us (due to working on some project) plus, there is a small discussion on his newly released "Projection Sheets", with a short review by myself of what the sheets are like. I was one of the first to see them (a small gift for being the editor I suppose).

Then of course I discuss the 7th national SOM convention which our gang of fanatics in Chicago setup in 1978.  Finally we bring back Mike SanClemente, who we interviewed in January, to provide for our readers a better idea what the "Rookie Review" is about as he describes what is contained in the Review. Also he gives us a short preview of what the Review looks like as he rates the following players:
Xander Bogaerts, Alex Torres, and 2 others. This Review is coming out any day now which again just before putting up the newsletter I got an early peek and can confidently say his crew did an awesome job.

Note (as always): Once again if you have joined us recently and haven't had a chance to read all of our bulletins and prior newsletters, you can find everything you desire by visiting our archive webpages at:


So again, we hope you enjoy this last issue of our newsletter for 2013 and like Steve Barkan said, when questioned by Bruce Bundy about what the new cards will be like that he couldn't really give out any details, I am not exactly sure where 2014 is going to take the newsletter directly which is not necessarily a bad thing. It just means we expect some new surprises. But I do see that we will have well over 1000 members, that we will see new articles and contributions and that we will continue to form alliances with other individuals and groups which will result in some very interesting new projects for you.

As you will note, we are beginning our new campaign called "Support the Cause" which you will see here and there on our pages. For those who are able to send to us your contribution as a donation, it is always humbly appreciated and received as we do give our heart and soul to do the very best we can on your behalf.  As always we are open to your suggestions for how to improve the newsletter and please feel free to share your Strat stories and experiences.

So enjoy your holidays, to a great New Years and an amazing 2014,

All the best and enjoy your game play via your leagues, replays,
face-to-face and tournaments,

Wolfman Shapiro


Support the Cause

If you are enjoying the content and information our newsletter shares with you, why not support us with your helpful contribution for our minor expenses and time?

Contained inside this exciting issue of Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter:
(to view the various interviews, articles, columns and special sections click on the links {underlined} and this will take you to the appropriate webpage)

  INTERVIEW with JAMES WILLIAMS, retired Sales Director of Strat-o-matic

  INTERVIEW with STEVE BARKAN, R&D Baseball and Hockey Depts at Strat-O-Matic Media LLC (interview done by Bruce Bundy, Dec 1st, 2013)

  STRAT THOUGHTS with BRUCE BUNDY, SOM Gamer, Creator of Baseball Card Formulas, Baseball Strategy Advisor, Beta Tester for the Game Company
(Continuation of his column of "Strat Thoughts", photos linked with SOM and a brief
 discussion about the 2013 SOM Projection Sheets)

  ARTICLE with MIKE SANCLEMENTE, founder of Stratogists.com
(Mike will discuss a bit more about the 9th Annual Rookie Review with some examples
 of what the review will look like.)

"The Ultimate Strat Newsletter" and 2012 CBA Champion. Wolfman takes us back in
this article to the seventh national Strat-o-matic Convention in 1978 held in Champaign-Urbana, IL, at the University of Illinois as the Wolfman and his buddies organize their fifth convention. Wolfman will be our guide through the first nine conventions happening through 1980 of which he was present at each one. This particular column now moves into the 1974-1980 era when the conventions moved to Illinois. We will continue to share one new convention in each future issue till all of these early conventions are published. Also as an inspiration for the SOM On-line Baseball Convention this month.

  COMMISSIONER's CORNER with MARC WASSERMAN -- commissioner of the Cyber Baseball Association (CBA) continues his column about what it is like to be a League Commissioner. In this article he focuses upon the Strat Alliance and beginning
to introduce to our members some of the SOM Baseball Leagues that exist.

  RECOMMEND ON-LINE SOM RESOURCES -- On-line Strat-o-matic and Baseball related websites that offer amazing information, special tools and products to improve your game play that we strongly recommend. In most cases, we have had personal contact with these sources who agree with the principle to work together and help promote each other.

  BOOKS TO DIE FOR and Become a BASEBALL GURU -- This page is a new page we are adding for the newsletter that is specifically about special books we are finding that either will expand your insights about the game of Baseball, help you in the creation of your current league teams or with your replays and learn more about the Strat-o-matic Base Game and Game Company's history.  At the time of the release of this newsletter we have a special arrangement with Acta Sports to offer our members a 10% discount. We hope to add more books in the future.


Contact Us for Questions or Submissions

Wolfman Shapiro
co-Founder/Editor, the Ultimate Strat Baseball Newsletter

email: wolfman@ultimatestratbaseball.com
: www.facebook.com/wolfman.shapiro
twitter: @StratBaseball4U

To Sign Up and Become a Member of this Newsletter
(this provides direct emails when our bulletins
and next issues come out)

 To Learn more about the SOM On-line Baseball Convention
(sponsored by the Strat Alliance, October 2013)